[PATCH 1/7] MIPS: csrc-r4k: Refine rating computation

From: Jiaxun Yang
Date: Sat May 11 2024 - 12:00:29 EST

Increase frequency addend dividend to 100000000 (10MHz) to
reasonably accommodate multi GHz level mips_hpt_frequency.

Cap rating of csrc-r4k into 299 to ensure it doesn't go into
"Desired" range, given all the drama we have with CP0 count
registers (SMP sync, behaviour on wait etc).

Signed-off-by: Jiaxun Yang <jiaxun.yang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
arch/mips/kernel/csrc-r4k.c | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/arch/mips/kernel/csrc-r4k.c b/arch/mips/kernel/csrc-r4k.c
index edc4afc080fa..262896871351 100644
--- a/arch/mips/kernel/csrc-r4k.c
+++ b/arch/mips/kernel/csrc-r4k.c
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ int __init init_r4k_clocksource(void)
return -ENXIO;

/* Calculate a somewhat reasonable rating value */
- clocksource_mips.rating = 200 + mips_hpt_frequency / 10000000;
+ clocksource_mips.rating = 200;
+ clocksource_mips.rating += clamp(mips_hpt_frequency / 100000000, 0, 99);

* R2 onwards makes the count accessible to user mode so it can be used
