Re: [PATCH iwl-net] idpf: Interpret .set_channels() input differently
From: Simon Horman
Date: Sat May 11 2024 - 12:38:24 EST
On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 05:41:22PM +0200, Larysa Zaremba wrote:
> Unlike ice, idpf does not check, if user has requested at least 1 combined
> channel. Instead, it relies on a check in the core code. Unfortunately, the
> check does not trigger for us because of the hacky .set_channels()
> interpretation logic that is not consistent with the core code.
> This naturally leads to user being able to trigger a crash with an invalid
> input. This is how:
> 1. ethtool -l <IFNAME> -> combined: 40
> 2. ethtool -L <IFNAME> rx 0 tx 0
> combined number is not specified, so command becomes {rx_count = 0,
> tx_count = 0, combined_count = 40}.
> 3. ethnl_set_channels checks, if there is at least 1 RX and 1 TX channel,
> comparing (combined_count + rx_count) and (combined_count + tx_count)
> to zero. Obviously, (40 + 0) is greater than zero, so the core code
> deems the input OK.
> 4. idpf interprets `rx 0 tx 0` as 0 channels and tries to proceed with such
> configuration.
> The issue has to be solved fundamentally, as current logic is also known to
> cause AF_XDP problems in ice [0].
> Interpret the command in a way that is more consistent with ethtool
> manual [1] (--show-channels and --set-channels) and new ice logic.
> Considering that in the idpf driver only the difference between RX and TX
> queues forms dedicated channels, change the correct way to set number of
> channels to:
> ethtool -L <IFNAME> combined 10 /* For symmetric queues */
> ethtool -L <IFNAME> combined 8 tx 2 rx 0 /* For asymmetric queues */
> [0]
> [1]
> Fixes: 02cbfba1add5 ("idpf: add ethtool callbacks")
> Reviewed-by: Przemek Kitszel <przemyslaw.kitszel@xxxxxxxxx>
> Reviewed-by: Igor Bagnucki <igor.bagnucki@xxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Larysa Zaremba <larysa.zaremba@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxx>