RE: [PATCH v6 2/5] hisi_acc_vfio_pci: modify the register location of the XQC address

From: Shameerali Kolothum Thodi
Date: Mon May 13 2024 - 04:35:34 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: liulongfang <liulongfang@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 9:16 AM
> To: Alex Williamson <alex.williamson@xxxxxxxxxx>; Shameerali Kolothum
> Thodi <shameerali.kolothum.thodi@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: jgg@xxxxxxxxxx; Jonathan Cameron <jonathan.cameron@xxxxxxxxxx>;
> kvm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
> linuxarm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 2/5] hisi_acc_vfio_pci: modify the register location of
> the XQC address
> On 2024/5/9 22:29, Alex Williamson wrote:
> > On Thu, 9 May 2024 09:37:51 +0000
> > Shameerali Kolothum Thodi <shameerali.kolothum.thodi@xxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> >
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Alex Williamson <alex.williamson@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >>> Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:00 PM
> >>> To: liulongfang <liulongfang@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >>> Cc: jgg@xxxxxxxxxx; Shameerali Kolothum Thodi
> >>> <shameerali.kolothum.thodi@xxxxxxxxxx>; Jonathan Cameron
> >>> <jonathan.cameron@xxxxxxxxxx>; kvm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; linux-
> >>> kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; linuxarm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 2/5] hisi_acc_vfio_pci: modify the register
> location of
> >>> the XQC address
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >>>> HiSilicon accelerator equipment can perform general services after
> >>> completing live migration.
> >>>> This kind of business is executed through the user mode driver and only
> >>> needs to use SQE and CQE.
> >>>>
> >>>> At the same time, this device can also perform kernel-mode services in
> the
> >>> VM through the crypto
> >>>> subsystem. This kind of service requires the use of EQE.
> >>>>
> >>>> Finally, if the device is abnormal, the driver needs to perform a device
> >>> reset, and AEQE needs to
> >>>> be used in this case.
> >>>>
> >>>> Therefore, a complete device live migration function needs to ensure
> that
> >>> device functions are
> >>>> normal in all these scenarios.
> >>>> Therefore, this data still needs to be migrated.
> >>>
> >>> Ok, I had jumped to an in-kernel host driver in reference to "kernel
> >>> mode" rather than a guest kernel. Migrating with bad data only affects
> >>> the current configuration of the device, reloading a guest driver to
> >>> update these registers or a reset of the device would allow proper
> >>> operation of the device, correct?
> >>
> >> Yes, after talking to Longfang, the device RAS will trigger a reset and
> >> would function after reset.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> But I think this still isn't really a complete solution, we know
> >>> there's a bug in the migration data stream, so not only would we fix
> >>> the data stream, but I think we should also take measures to prevent
> >>> loading a known bad data stream. AIUI migration of this device while
> >>> running in kernel mode (ie. a kernel driver within a guest VM) is
> >>> broken. Therefore, the least we can do in a new kernel, knowing that
> >>> there was previously a bug in the migration data stream, is to fail to
> >>> load that migration data because it risks this scenario where the
> >>> device is broken after migration. Shouldn't we then also increment a
> >>> migration version field in the data stream to block migrations that
> >>> risk this breakage, or barring that, change the magic data field to
> >>> prevent the migration? Thanks,
> >>
> >> Ok. We could add a new ACC_DEV_MAGIC_V2 and prevent the migration
> >> in vf_qm_check_match(). The only concern here is that, it will completely
> >> block old kernel to new kernel migration and since we can recover the
> >> device after the reset whether it is too restrictive or not.
> >
> > What's the impact to the running driver, kernel or userspace, if the
> > device is reset? Migration is intended to be effectively transparent
> If the device is reset, the user's task needs to be restarted.
> If an exception has been detected, the best way is not to migrate.
> > to the driver. If the driver stalls and needs to reset the device,
> > what has the migration driver accomplished versus an offline migration?
> >
> > If there's a way to detect from the migration data if the device is
> > running in kernel mode or user mode then you could potentially accept
> > and send v1 magic conditional that the device is in user mode and
> > require v2 magic for any migration where the device is in kernel mode.
> > This all adds complication though and seems like it has corner cases
> > where we might allow migration to an old kernel that might trap the
> > device there if the use case changes.
> >
> The driver does not support checking whether the device is running in
> kernel mode or user mode.
> Moreover, the device supports user-mode services and kernel-mode services
> to run at the same time.
> > Essentially it comes down to what should the migration experience be
> > and while restricting old->new and new->old migration is undesirable,
> > it seems old->old migration is effectively already broken anyway. As
> > you consider a v2 magic, perhaps consider how the migration data
> > structure might be improved overall to better handle new features and
> > bugs. Thanks,
> >
> We discussed a plan:
> Update ACC_DEV_MAGIC to ACC_DEV_MAGIC_VERSION and configure its
> last byte
> as version information:
> /* QM match information, last byte is version number */

Oops..cant have V there. But the idea is replace magic with last byte
as version info which can be used in future for handling bugs/features
