Re: [PATCH] Refactor phrasing for clarity

From: Bagas Sanjaya
Date: Mon May 13 2024 - 05:10:52 EST

On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 02:24:02AM +0000, Luis Felipe Hernandez wrote:
> * Updated title capitalization for consistency
> * Fixed acronym capitalization (e.g. CPU, vCPU)
> * Added usage of hypenated compoud adjective
> (e.g. host-side polling, where host-side is modifying polling)
> * Added missing verb "as" in "basic logic is as follows"
> * Added missing articl "an" in "guest_halt_poll_ns when an event occurs"
> * Fixed parameter definition in 4, all previous examples started with
> descibing the parameter in the first sentence followed by additional
> notes
> * Replaced C-terminology Bool in favor of formal form Boolean
> * Cleaned up phrasing in "Further Notes" section for clarity

LGTM, thanks!

Reviewed-by: Bagas Sanjaya <bagasdotme@xxxxxxxxx>

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