Re: drivers/net/dsa/dsa_loop_bdinfo.c build problems

From: Stephen Langstaff
Date: Mon May 13 2024 - 13:40:39 EST

On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 5:54 PM Andrew Lunn <andrew@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> As Florian pointed out, dsa_loop_bdinfo.o should be built into your
> kernel. When you insmod dsa_loop.ko, it should match the data in
> dsa_loop_bdinfo to the dsa_loop driver an instantiate an instance of
> it. Do you see that happening?

Well, if I fiddle with the Makefiles to get dsa_loop_bdinfo built as a
module (as opposed to not building at all) then I see the following

root@machine:~/dsa_test# ls
dsa_loop.ko dsa_loop_bdinfo.ko
root@machine:~/dsa_test# modprobe dsa_core
root@machine:~/dsa_test# insmod dsa_loop_bdinfo.ko
root@machine:~/dsa_test# insmod dsa_loop.ko
root@machine:~/dsa_test# lsmod
Module Size Used by
dsa_loop 16384 0
dsa_loop_bdinfo 16384 0
dsa_core 118784 1 dsa_loop

..and I see no new interfaces reported by ifconfig -a
[just the existing eth0, eth1 and lo0 interfaces]

I will revert my changes to the Makefiles and confirm that
dsa_loop_bdinfo.o does not get built into the kernel - that's an
overnight build for me so bye for now!