Re: [RFC PATCH 0/2] TPM derived keys
From: Jarkko Sakkinen
Date: Tue May 14 2024 - 08:09:58 EST
On Tue May 14, 2024 at 1:05 PM EEST, Ignat Korchagin wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 1:28 AM Jarkko Sakkinen <jarkko@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon May 13, 2024 at 8:11 PM EEST, Ignat Korchagin wrote:
> > > On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 11:16 PM Ignat Korchagin <ignat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > I would like to point out to myself I was wrong: it is possible to ask
> > > the kernel to generate a trusted key inside the kernel locally with
> > > "keyctl add trusted kmk "new 32" @u"
> >
> > Not in a full-time kernel position ATM as I'm working as contract
> > researcher up until beginning of Oct (took some industry break after
> > a startup went down of business), so please, politely asking, write
> > a bit more compact descriptions ;-) I'm trying to find a new position by
> > the beginning of Oct but right now I'd appreciate a bit more thought out
> > text descriptions.
> >
> > I'm working out a small patch set with James Prestwood to add asymmetric
> > TPM2 keys based on his old patch set [1] but laid out on top of the
> > existing baseline.
> >
> > I did already the key type shenanigans etc. for it and James P is laying
> > his pre-existing RSA code and new ECDSA on top of that. So this will
> This is great. Perhaps we can finally have ECDSA software signature
> support as well, which I have been trying to get in for some time now
> [1]
Yes exactly both.
> > give x.509 compatibility [2]. This patch set will be out soon and likely
> > part of 6.11 (or almost guaranteed as most of it is done).
> >
> > So by plain guess this might be along the lines what you might want?
> I don't think so. I have seen this patchset, but unless the new
> version is fundamentally different, it looks to me that the asymmetric
> TPM keys are the same as trusted keys except they are asymmetric
> instead of being symmetric. That is, they are still of limited use on
> stateless systems and are subject to the same restrictions I described
> in my revised cover description.
OK, hmm... can you an "apples and oranges" example what would be
most trivial use case where these don't cut?
> On top of that I'm not sure they would be widely used as "leaf" keys
> by applications, maybe more as root/intermediate keys in some kind of
> key hierarchy. TPMs are slow and I don't see a high-performance
> web-server, for example, using asymmetric TPM keys for TLS operations.
> Also, as we learned the hard way operating many TPMs in production,
> some TPMs are quite unreliable and fail really fast, if you "spam"
> them with a lot of crypto ops. I understand this is a HW/TPM vendor
> problem, but in practice we're trying to build systems, where TPM is
> used to protect/generate other keys, but most of the "leaf" crypto
> operations are done in software, so we don't make the TPM do too much
> crypto.
So what about SGX/SNP/TDX?
TPM is definitely not made for workloads :-)
> Just to clarify - I'm not arguing about the usefulness of TPM
> asymmetric keys in the kernel. I would really want to see this
> building block available as well, but I think it just serves a
> different purpose/use case from what I'm trying to figure out in this
> RFC thread.
Got it :-) NP
BR, Jarkko