The Vast X (with corresponding translation of Islam for Fair Pay Background)

From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Wed May 15 2024 - 00:59:34 EST

Yes, we have bitcoin, and clear water in Africa through BlueTap.

And now perfected philosophy as fair pay background.

Moor Keywords and Phrases, writing to the right in italic script, most wellknown.

From The Doctrine (AL QURAN, from Ul to Jibril to Muhammad)
Main teaching: No subdeity. Follower is a Moor. (Arabic: MUSLIM)
Fant (Arabic: FASIQUN)
Iblis Ash Cracker (IBLIS ASH SHAYTAN)
Ruhban (IMAM)
Sha (KHALIF, King)
Alt. Trek to Oman (relieving BACCA)
Don of the Universes and The Earth.
Lamer (KAFIR)
Ragnarok (YAWM AD DIN)
Yaon (YAHUD, earlier Juten tribe known for Juten law, "you shall not believe you are something".)

Desiring correct computing is the same as desiring a correct translation of Islam.

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The Light Be With You,