[RFC PATCH v8 5/7] perf stat: Add retire latency print functions to print out at the very end of print out
From: weilin . wang
Date: Wed May 15 2024 - 01:45:56 EST
From: Weilin Wang <weilin.wang@xxxxxxxxx>
Add print out functions so that users could read retire latency values.
Example output:
Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
25,717 MEM_INST_RETIRED.SPLIT_STORES # 2.2 % tma_split_stores
2.054365083 seconds time elapsed
This output of retire latency data is in format:
<val> <event-name:R> # <sum> <count>.
Signed-off-by: Weilin Wang <weilin.wang@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Ian Rogers <irogers@xxxxxxxxxx>
tools/perf/util/stat-display.c | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
index bfc1d705f437..b9c3978cc99c 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "iostat.h"
#include "pmu.h"
#include "pmus.h"
+#include "intel-tpebs.h"
#define CNTR_NOT_SUPPORTED "<not supported>"
#define CNTR_NOT_COUNTED "<not counted>"
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
#define COMM_LEN 16
#define PID_LEN 7
#define CPUS_LEN 4
+#define RETIRE_LEN 8
static int aggr_header_lens[] = {
[AGGR_CORE] = 18,
@@ -426,6 +428,71 @@ static void print_metric_std(struct perf_stat_config *config,
fprintf(out, " %-*s", METRIC_LEN - n - 1, unit);
+static void print_retire_lat_std(struct perf_stat_config *config,
+ struct outstate *os)
+ FILE *out = os->fh;
+ bool newline = os->newline;
+ struct tpebs_retire_lat *t;
+ struct list_head *retire_lats = &config->tpebs_results;
+ list_for_each_entry(t, retire_lats, nd) {
+ if (newline)
+ do_new_line_std(config, os);
+ fprintf(out, "%'*.2f ", COUNTS_LEN, t->val);
+ /* For print alignment */
+ fprintf(out, "%-*s ", config->unit_width, "");
+ fprintf(out, "%-*s", EVNAME_LEN, t->tpebs_name);
+ fprintf(out, " # ");
+ fprintf(out, "%*d %*ld\n", RETIRE_LEN, t->sum,
+ RETIRE_LEN, t->count);
+ }
+static void print_retire_lat_csv(struct perf_stat_config *config,
+ struct outstate *os)
+ FILE *out = os->fh;
+ struct tpebs_retire_lat *t;
+ struct list_head *retire_lats = &config->tpebs_results;
+ const char *sep = config->csv_sep;
+ list_for_each_entry(t, retire_lats, nd) {
+ fprintf(out, "%f%s%s%s%s%ld%s%d\n", t->val, sep, sep, t->tpebs_name, sep,
+ t->count, sep, t->sum);
+ }
+static void print_retire_lat_json(struct perf_stat_config *config,
+ struct outstate *os)
+ FILE *out = os->fh;
+ struct tpebs_retire_lat *t;
+ struct list_head *retire_lats = &config->tpebs_results;
+ fprintf(out, "{");
+ list_for_each_entry(t, retire_lats, nd) {
+ fprintf(out, "\"retire_latency-value\" : \"%f\", ", t->val);
+ fprintf(out, "\"name\" : \"%s\"", t->tpebs_name);
+ fprintf(out, "\"sample-counts\" : \"%ld\"", t->count);
+ fprintf(out, "\"retire_latency-sum\" : \"%d\"", t->sum);
+ }
+ fprintf(out, "}");
+static void print_retire_lat(struct perf_stat_config *config,
+ struct outstate *os)
+ if (!&config->tpebs_results)
+ return;
+ if (config->json_output)
+ print_retire_lat_json(config, os);
+ else if (config->csv_output)
+ print_retire_lat_csv(config, os);
+ else
+ print_retire_lat_std(config, os);
static void new_line_csv(struct perf_stat_config *config, void *ctx)
struct outstate *os = ctx;
@@ -1609,6 +1676,8 @@ void evlist__print_counters(struct evlist *evlist, struct perf_stat_config *conf
+ print_retire_lat(config, &os);