[PATCH v6 0/2] perf pmus: Sort/merge/aggregate PMUs like mrvl_ddr_pmu

From: Ian Rogers
Date: Wed May 15 2024 - 02:02:05 EST

The mrvl_ddr_pmu is uncore and has a hexadecimal address
suffix. Current PMU sorting/merging code assumes uncore PMU names
start with uncore_ and have a decimal suffix. Add support for
hexadecimal suffixes and add tests.

v6. Add necessary fix in pmu.c to perf_pmu__match_ignoring_suffix that
also needs to ignore hex suffixes.
v5. In pmus.h remove needless addition of #include list.h but add
stddef.h for size_t.
v4. Workaround GCC build error by using unsigned types. Don't consider
short hex suffixes as suffixes (e.g. cpum_cf) and test this
v3. Rebase and move tests from pmus.c to the existing pmu.c.

Ian Rogers (2):
perf pmus: Sort/merge/aggregate PMUs like mrvl_ddr_pmu
perf tests: Add some pmu core functionality tests

tools/perf/tests/pmu.c | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tools/perf/util/pmu.c | 33 ++++++++------
tools/perf/util/pmus.c | 67 ++++++++++++++++------------
tools/perf/util/pmus.h | 7 ++-
4 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
