Re: [PATCH net-next v4 05/12] net: ethernet: oa_tc6: implement error interrupts unmasking

From: Ramón Nordin Rodriguez
Date: Wed May 15 2024 - 17:49:11 EST

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 04:46:58AM +0000, Parthiban.Veerasooran@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >> Is it doing this in an endless cycle?
> >
> > Exactly, so what I'm seeing is when the driver livelocks the macphy is
> > periodically pulling the irq pin low, the driver clears the interrupt
> > and repeat.
> If I understand correctly, you are keep on getting interrupt without
> indicating anything in the footer?. Are you using LAN8650 Rev.B0 or B1?.
> If it is B0 then can you try with Rev.B1 once?

I'll check the footer content, thanks for the tip!

All testing has bee done with Rev.B0, we've located a set of B1 chips.
So we'll get on resoldering and rerunning the test scenario.