Updated Web (Was Low Jitter - Fair Pay Philosophy - The Vast X)

From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Fri May 24 2024 - 01:24:01 EST

I updated my webpage. URL is now https://the-vast-x.net/Ra/Ra.html

Where I iterate my research on philosophy that once was the target of the Ra project. We once dreamed of a good computer economy, and the computerbit was central then. Inner Loop was according to the Bit, while it often has negative associations such as Nerd, that was a developement of "Nigger". "Boys" that do work for free is a problem ofcourse, and for complete acceptance of Open Source work, there needs to be a correct economy with it.

Changing the inner loop, to be about The Vast, is line by line compliant with Fair Pay when done right, from the creator. Lel. (a correct translation of ALA).

The computerbit is often also associated with christianity, which will not work, and "God" is mostly a concept that goes to psychiatry.

So indeed, listen, avoid Islamophobia, and attain the OS of the dream.

The Vast X - a referance concept for Open Source.

Praise Lel, The Grand, The Good.

The Light Be With You,
Ywe Cærlyn.