Re: [PATCH] af_packet: Handle outgoing VLAN packets without hardware offloading

From: alexandre . ferrieux
Date: Sat May 25 2024 - 16:57:30 EST

On 25/05/2024 17:51, Willem de Bruijn wrote:

First, we need to even understand better why anything is using
SOCK_DGRAM when access to L2.5 headers is important, and whether the
process can convert to using SOCK_RAW instead.

For libpcap, it seems to be linked to the fact that the "any" device can aggregate links with varied L2 header sizes, which in turn complicates filtering (see Guy Harris' comment on this [1]).

Given that 99% of useful traffic is Ethernet, such considerations look awkward now. I for one would love to see an "any2" based on SOCK_RAW. And while you're at it, please let the new variant of SLL contain the full Ethernet header at the end, so that a simple offset gives access to the whole linear wire image...


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