Re: [PATCH] af_packet: Handle outgoing VLAN packets without hardware offloading

From: alexandre . ferrieux
Date: Sun May 26 2024 - 20:19:48 EST

On 26/05/2024 17:25, Willem de Bruijn wrote:
I don't think a new DLT_LINUX_SLL3 is a solution. The application
just wants to receive the full L2.5 header, not yet another parsed

Yes, I did not intend any parsing either: the SLLvx should end with the ethtype (the one that occurs right after the MAC addresses in Ethernet). But I was just pointing out that it is a pity that SSLv1 and SSLv2 only keep the source MAC address when all physical interfaces in a system are Ethernet. Why not keep the whole MAC header ?
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