Re: [PATCH] Fix filesystem issue: description of the fix Fix mark_buffer_dirty_inode to mark_buffer_dirty_fsync Signed-off-by: HyeonWoo Cha <chw1119@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

From: Al Viro
Date: Mon Jun 03 2024 - 03:36:24 EST

On Mon, Jun 03, 2024 at 03:59:10PM +0900, Hyeonwoo Cha wrote:

NAK. Reasons:
* patch described as a fix; that implies that some behaviour
change is there. Yet there's no description of that change or
explanation of the problem being fixed.
* lack of _any_ explanations, period. Including e.g.
a discussion of the reasons why the change makes sense.
* apparent blind trust in continued applicability of comments
that date back to 2002; in any case, no analysis is offered anywhere -
reviewers are supposed to do that themselves, presumably.
* failure to Cc the original author of the comment in question.