Re: [PATCH] livepatch: introduce klp_func called interface

From: zhang warden
Date: Tue Jun 04 2024 - 04:17:26 EST

> On May 31, 2024, at 22:06, Miroslav Benes <mbenes@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> And for the unlikely branch, isn’t the complier will compile this branch
>> into a cold branch that will do no harm to the function performance?
> The test (cmp insn or something like that) still needs to be there. Since
> there is only a simple assignment in the branch, the compiler may just
> choose not to have a cold branch in this case. The only difference is in
> which case you would jump here. You can see for yourself (and prove me
> wrong if it comes to it).
> Miroslav

Hi Miroslav,

Yes, more tests should be done in this case according to your opinion.
