From: Sean Christopherson
Date: Tue Jun 11 2024 - 09:35:26 EST

On Tue, Jun 11, 2024, Chao Gao wrote:
> >I continue find all of this unpalatable. The guest tells KVM what software
> >mitigations the guest is using, and then KVM is supposed to translate that into
> >some hardware functionality? And merge that with userspace's own overrides?
> Yes. It is ugly. I will drop all Intel-defined stuff from KVM. Actually, I
> wanted to punt to userspace ...
> >
> >Blech.
> >
> >With KVM_CAP_FORCE_SPEC_CTRL, I don't see any reason for KVM to support the
> >Intel-defined virtual MSRs. If the userspace VMM wants to play nice with the
> >Intel-defined stuff, then userspace can advertise the MSRs and use an MSR filter
> >to intercept and "emulate" the MSRs. They should be set-and-forget MSRs, so
> >there's no need for KVM to handle them for performance reasons.
> ... I had this idea of implementing policy-related stuff in userspace, and I wrote
> in the cover-letter:
> """
> 1. the KVM<->userspace ABI defined in patch 1
> I am wondering if we can allow the userspace to configure the mask
> and the shadow value during guest's lifetime and do it on a vCPU basis.
> this way, in conjunction with "virtual MSRs" or any other interfaces,
> the usespace can adjust hardware mitigations applied to the guest during
> guest's lifetime e.g., for the best performance.
> """

Gah, sorry, I speed read the cover letter and didn't take the time to process that.

> As said, this requires some tweaks to KVM_CAP_FORCE_SPEC_CTRL, such as making
> the mask and shadow values adjustable and applicable on a per-vCPU basis. The
> tweaks are not necessarily for Intel-defined virtual MSRs; if there were other
> preferable interfaces, they could also benefit from these changes.
> Any objections to these tweaks to KVM_CAP_FORCE_SPEC_CTRL?

Why does KVM_CAP_FORCE_SPEC_CTRL need to be per-vCPU? Won't the CPU bugs and
mitigations be system-wide / VM-wide?