Re: [PATCH v6 1/1] nvme-multipath: implement "queue-depth" iopolicy
From: John Meneghini
Date: Wed Jun 12 2024 - 09:07:55 EST
On 6/11/24 21:44, Chaitanya Kulkarni wrote:
* List of workarounds for devices that required behavior not specified in
* the standard.
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@ enum {
NVME_REQ_USERCMD = (1 << 1),
nit:- please align above to existing code ...
Ok... there must be something wrong with my tab stop.... are we using 8 space tabs in linux?
Here's what I have in my .vimrc
set smartindent " always set smartindenting on
set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
set backspace=2 " Influences the working of <BS>, <Del>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert mode.
set noexpandtab " insert tabs instead of spaces
set textwidth=0 " Don't wrap words by default
set shiftwidth=4 smarttab " number of spaces to use for each step of indent
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=0 " setting tab stops to be different from the indentation width
What is recommended setting for these ?
set shiftwidth=8 ?
set tabstop=8 ?