linux high mem mode? module/s?

From: mitch conner
Date: Wed Jun 12 2024 - 18:55:27 EST

i dont know kernel programming and space too well so bear with me lol =/

this is how much ram im using with fedora 40, spotify, and firefox

total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 128492 4426 120359 55 4863 124066
Swap: 8191 0 8191

which is cool, everythings snappy, fast, well rendered in nvidia

but if there can be an option in the kernel or a module that can do stuff like

dynamically cache libraries and binaries into memory or gpu space
(could lead to upwards of 10% speed boost with speedy ram, maybe the
entire /usr/!/bin dir)
dynamically cache files and file system stuff into ram
possibly provide an interface to storing large portions of data into
the kernel (would be nice for video editing i think)
maybe some kind of organization for memory for a speed boost (like defragging?)
maybe some kind of paralellization for ram reads? could be a little
speed boost (ie instead of *mem = *alloc(); you can do *mem = alloc()
? range0 : range1, or thread everyhing or something, could save
possibly an instruction by spending some time)

this is the best i can do.. looking forward to messing with 2.6 to
learn about kernel programming in a vm