Re: [PATCH v2 2/4] platform/mellanox: mlxbf-pmc: Add support for 64-bit counters and cycle count

From: Shravan Ramani
Date: Fri Jun 14 2024 - 06:46:44 EST

> This does nothing to answer my question. Where in the kernel, there's an
> example where a 64-bit counter for BlueField platform is presented as 2
> 32-bit counters? If there isn't any examples in the kernel, your statement
> about consistency within the platform doesn't hold water, quoted (again)
> here for clarity what I'm refering to:
> "The other interfaces follow this approach of having lower and upper
> 32-bits separately in each counter, and the tools expect the same.
> Hence the driver follows this approach to keep things consistent across
> the BlueField platform."
> Where I can find those "other interfaces" that already follow this
> convention?

Ah, I think I misunderstood the question and went on elaborating the
same thing, apologies. The other interfaces are not part of the kernel.
They are part of the BlueField Software Package, which also contains
the tools that put together the performance metrics.
My thinking was that since this is a platform driver and is used along
with the BlueField Software Package, consistency with the tools which
were developed following the same convention could be considered,
as long as the driver is not doing something non-standard, of course.
I can change the driver handling to present 64-bit data if you insist.
