Re: [PATCH 1/3] media: rockchip: Introduce the rkvdec2 driver

From: Jianfeng Liu
Date: Mon Jun 17 2024 - 12:46:03 EST

Hi Nicolas,

On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:04:59 -0400, Nicolas Dufresne wrote:
>> [5799:5886:0617/] Open(): No devices supporting H264 for type: 0
>> [5799:5886:0617/] This queue does support requests.: No such file or directory (2)
>This one indicates that V4L2_BUF_CAP_SUPPORTS_REQUESTS might be missing in the
>REQBUFS implementation. I suspect GStreamer simply assumes this today for driver
>exposing stateless formats (which is fair, its not a compliance test, and we
>don't have a codec compliance yet).
>I'd suggest to check and fix this one, and retry, might only be noise, might be
>the main cause, we cannot tell.

This log doesn't harm chromium decoding. I can also see it when using
hantro g1 decoder. The issue is "VIDIOC_STREAMON failed" later causing
decode failed.

>Are you using minigbm ? Because if you do, we don't have minigbm code for this
>driver (and have no plan to do so, since we don't aim for ChromeOS support).

I'm using patched chromium which can use mesa's libgbm to render NV12.
Robert Mader has showed me patches from this mesa's merge request[1].


Best regards,