Re: [PATCH iwl-next 11/12] idpf: convert header split mode to libeth + napi_build_skb()
From: Willem de Bruijn
Date: Mon Jun 17 2024 - 14:14:11 EST
Alexander Lobakin wrote:
> From: Willem De Bruijn <willemdebruijn.kernel@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 09:46:46 -0400
> > Alexander Lobakin wrote:
> >> Currently, idpf uses the following model for the header buffers:
> >>
> >> * buffers are allocated via dma_alloc_coherent();
> >> * when receiving, napi_alloc_skb() is called and then the header is
> >> copied to the newly allocated linear part.
> >>
> >> This is far from optimal as DMA coherent zone is slow on many systems
> >> and memcpy() neutralizes the idea and benefits of the header split.
> >
> > In the previous revision this assertion was called out, as we have
> > lots of experience with the existing implementation and a previous one
> > based on dynamic allocation one that performed much worse. You would
> napi_build_skb() is not a dynamic allocation. In contrary,
> napi_alloc_skb() from the current implementation actually *is* a dynamic
> allocation. It allocates a page frag for every header buffer each time.
> Page Pool refills header buffers from its pool of recycled frags.
> Plus, on x86_64, truesize of a header buffer is 1024, meaning it picks
> a new page from the pool every 4th buffer. During the testing of common
> workloads, I had literally zero new page allocations, as the skb core
> recycles frags from skbs back to the pool.
> IOW, the current version you're defending actually performs more dynamic
> allocations on hotpath than this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> (I explained all this several times already)
> > share performance numbers in the next revision
> I can't share numbers in the outside, only percents.
> I shared before/after % in the cover letter. Every test yielded more
> Mpps after this change, esp. non-XDP_PASS ones when you don't have
> networking stack overhead.
This is the main concern: AF_XDP has no existing users, but TCP/IP is
used in production environments. So we cannot risk TCP/IP regressions
in favor of somewhat faster AF_XDP. Secondary is that a functional
implementation of AF_XDP soon with optimizations later is preferable
over the fastest solution later.
> >
> >
> >
> > This may be so integral to this patch series that asking to back it
> > out now sets back the whole effort. That is not my intent.
> >
> > And I appreciate that in principle there are many potential
> > optizations.
> >
> > But this (OOT) driver is already in use and regressions in existing
> > workloads is a serious headache. As is significant code churn wrt
> > other still OOT feature patch series.
> >
> > This series (of series) modifies the driver significantly, beyond the
> > narrow scope of adding XDP and AF_XDP.
> Yes, because all this is needed in order for XDP to work properly and
> quick enough to be competitive. OOT XDP implementation is not
> competitive and performs much worse even in comparison to the upstream ice.
> (for example, the idea of doing memcpy() before running XDP only to do
> XDP_DROP and quickly drop frames sounds horrible)
> Any serious series modification would mean a ton of rework only to
> downgrade the overall functionality, why do that?
As I said before, it is not my intent to set back the effort by asking
for changes now.
Only to caution to not expand the patch series even more (it grew from
3 to 6 series) and to remind that performance of established workloads
remain paramount.
> Thanks,
> Olek