Re: [PATCH v3] tools/memory-model: Document herd7 (abstract) representation

From: Boqun Feng
Date: Mon Jun 17 2024 - 18:54:06 EST

On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 10:17:59PM +0200, Andrea Parri wrote:
> tools/memory-model/ and herdtool7 are closely linked: the latter is
> responsible for (pre)processing each C-like macro of a litmus test,
> and for providing the LKMM with a set of events, or "representation",
> corresponding to the given macro. Provide herd-representation.txt
> to document the representations of the concurrency macros, following
> their "classification" in Documentation/atomic_t.txt.
> Suggested-by: Hernan Ponce de Leon <hernan.poncedeleon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Andrea Parri <parri.andrea@xxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@xxxxxxxxx>

I have a question below...

> ---
> Changes since v2 [1]:
> - drop lk-rmw links
> Changes since v1 [2]:
> - add legenda/notations
> - add some SRCU, locking macros
> - update formatting of failure cases
> - update README file
> [1]
> [2]
> tools/memory-model/Documentation/README | 7 +-
> .../Documentation/herd-representation.txt | 106 ++++++++++++++++++
> 2 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> create mode 100644 tools/memory-model/Documentation/herd-representation.txt
> diff --git a/tools/memory-model/Documentation/README b/tools/memory-model/Documentation/README
> index 304162743a5b8..44e7dae73b296 100644
> --- a/tools/memory-model/Documentation/README
> +++ b/tools/memory-model/Documentation/README
> @@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ o You are familiar with Linux-kernel concurrency and the use of
> o You are familiar with Linux-kernel concurrency and the use
> of LKMM, and would like to learn about LKMM's requirements,
> - rationale, and implementation: explanation.txt
> + rationale, and implementation: explanation.txt and
> + herd-representation.txt
> o You are interested in the publications related to LKMM, including
> hardware manuals, academic literature, standards-committee
> @@ -61,6 +62,10 @@ control-dependencies.txt
> explanation.txt
> Detailed description of the memory model.
> +herd-representation.txt
> + The (abstract) representation of the Linux-kernel concurrency
> + primitives in terms of events.
> +
> litmus-tests.txt
> The format, features, capabilities, and limitations of the litmus
> tests that LKMM can evaluate.
> diff --git a/tools/memory-model/Documentation/herd-representation.txt b/tools/memory-model/Documentation/herd-representation.txt
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000000..2fe270e902635
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tools/memory-model/Documentation/herd-representation.txt
> @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
> +#
> +# Legenda:
> +# R, a Load event
> +# W, a Store event
> +# F, a Fence event
> +# LKR, a Lock-Read event
> +# LKW, a Lock-Write event
> +# UL, an Unlock event
> +# LF, a Lock-Fail event
> +# RL, a Read-Locked event
> +# RU, a Read-Unlocked event
> +# R*, a Load event included in RMW
> +# W*, a Store event included in RMW
> +# SRCU, a Sleepable-Read-Copy-Update event
> +#
> +# po, a Program-Order link
> +# rmw, a Read-Modify-Write link
> +#
> +# By convention, a blank entry/representation means "same as the preceding entry".
> +#
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | C macro | Events |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | Non-RMW ops | |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | READ_ONCE | R[once] |
> + | atomic_read | |
> + | WRITE_ONCE | W[once] |
> + | atomic_set | |
> + | smp_load_acquire | R[acquire] |
> + | atomic_read_acquire | |
> + | smp_store_release | W[release] |
> + | atomic_set_release | |
> + | smp_store_mb | W[once] ->po F[mb] |
> + | smp_mb | F[mb] |
> + | smp_rmb | F[rmb] |
> + | smp_wmb | F[wmb] |
> + | smp_mb__before_atomic | F[before-atomic] |
> + | smp_mb__after_atomic | F[after-atomic] |
> + | spin_unlock | UL |
> + | spin_is_locked | On success: RL |
> + | | On failure: RU |
> + | smp_mb__after_spinlock | F[after-spinlock] |
> + | smp_mb__after_unlock_lock | F[after-unlock-lock] |
> + | rcu_read_lock | F[rcu-lock] |
> + | rcu_read_unlock | F[rcu-unlock] |
> + | synchronize_rcu | F[sync-rcu] |
> + | rcu_dereference | R[once] |
> + | rcu_assign_pointer | W[release] |
> + | srcu_read_lock | R[srcu-lock] |
> + | srcu_down_read | |
> + | srcu_read_unlock | W[srcu-unlock] |
> + | srcu_up_read | |
> + | synchronize_srcu | SRCU[sync-srcu] |
> + | smp_mb__after_srcu_read_unlock | F[after-srcu-read-unlock] |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | RMW ops w/o return value | |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | atomic_add | R*[noreturn] ->rmw W*[once] |
> + | atomic_and | |
> + | spin_lock | LKR ->po LKW |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | RMW ops w/ return value | |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | atomic_add_return | F[mb] ->po R*[once] |
> + | | ->rmw W*[once] ->po F[mb] |

Just to double check, there is also a ->po relation between R*[once] and
W*[once], right? It might not be important right now, but it's important
when we move to what Jonas is proposing:

So just check with you ;-) Thanks!


> + | atomic_fetch_add | |
> + | atomic_fetch_and | |
> + | atomic_xchg | |
> + | xchg | |
> + | atomic_add_negative | |
> + | atomic_add_return_relaxed | R*[once] ->rmw W*[once] |
> + | atomic_fetch_add_relaxed | |
> + | atomic_fetch_and_relaxed | |
> + | atomic_xchg_relaxed | |
> + | xchg_relaxed | |
> + | atomic_add_negative_relaxed | |
> + | atomic_add_return_acquire | R*[acquire] ->rmw W*[once] |
> + | atomic_fetch_add_acquire | |
> + | atomic_fetch_and_acquire | |
> + | atomic_xchg_acquire | |
> + | xchg_acquire | |
> + | atomic_add_negative_acquire | |
> + | atomic_add_return_release | R*[once] ->rmw W*[release] |
> + | atomic_fetch_add_release | |
> + | atomic_fetch_and_release | |
> + | atomic_xchg_release | |
> + | xchg_release | |
> + | atomic_add_negative_release | |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | Conditional RMW ops | |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + | atomic_cmpxchg | On success: F[mb] ->po R*[once] |
> + | | ->rmw W*[once] ->po F[mb] |
> + | | On failure: R*[once] |
> + | cmpxchg | |
> + | atomic_add_unless | |
> + | atomic_cmpxchg_relaxed | On success: R*[once] ->rmw W*[once] |
> + | | On failure: R*[once] |
> + | atomic_cmpxchg_acquire | On success: R*[acquire] ->rmw W*[once] |
> + | | On failure: R*[once] |
> + | atomic_cmpxchg_release | On success: R*[once] ->rmw W*[release] |
> + | | On failure: R*[once] |
> + | spin_trylock | On success: LKR ->po LKW |
> + | | On failure: LF |
> + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> 2.34.1