Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: imx8mp: Fix pgc_mlmix location

From: Marek Vasut
Date: Mon Jun 17 2024 - 20:42:23 EST

On 6/18/24 12:39 AM, Adam Ford wrote:
The pgc_mlmix shows a power-domain@24, but the reg value is
IMX8MP_POWER_DOMAIN_MLMIX which is set to 4.

The stuff after the @ symbol should match the stuff referenced
by 'reg' so reorder the pgc_mlmix so it to appear as power-domain@4.

Fixes: 834464c8504c ("arm64: dts: imx8mp: add mlmix power domain")
Fixes: 4bedc468b725 ("arm64: dts: imx8mp: Add NPU Node")

Signed-off-by: Adam Ford <aford173@xxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Marek Vasut <marex@xxxxxxx>

Thanks !