Re: [PATCH 1/2] perf pmu: Restore full PMU name wildcard support

From: James Clark
Date: Tue Jun 18 2024 - 11:47:25 EST

On 18/06/2024 16:25, Ian Rogers wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2024, 8:06 AM James Clark <james.clark@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 18/06/2024 15:23, Ian Rogers wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2024, 3:59 AM James Clark <james.clark@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On 17/06/2024 22:25, Ian Rogers wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 17, 2024, 6:44 AM James Clark <james.clark@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Commit b2b9d3a3f021 ("perf pmu: Support wildcards on pmu name in
>> dynamic
>>>>>> pmu events") gives the following example for wildcarding a subset of
>>>>>> PMUs:
>>>>>> E.g., in a system with the following dynamic pmus:
>>>>>> mypmu_0
>>>>>> mypmu_1
>>>>>> mypmu_2
>>>>>> mypmu_4
>>>>>> perf stat -e mypmu_[01]/<config>/
>>>>>> Since commit f91fa2ae6360 ("perf pmu: Refactor perf_pmu__match()"),
>> only
>>>>>> "*" has been supported, removing the ability to subset PMUs, even
>> though
>>>>>> parse-events.l still supports ? and [] characters.
>>>>>> Fix it by using fnmatch() when any glob character is detected and add
>> a
>>>>>> test which covers that and other scenarios of
>>>>>> perf_pmu__match_ignoring_suffix().
>>>>>> Fixes: f91fa2ae6360 ("perf pmu: Refactor perf_pmu__match()")
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: James Clark <james.clark@xxxxxxx>
>>>>> We use regular expression matching elsewhere rather than fnmatch. We
>> can
>>>>> also precompile the matchers using lex. I'm not sure we shouldn't be
>>>>> looking for an opportunity to remove fnmatch rather than expand upon
>> it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ian
>>>> Presumably you mean we can do the removal of fnmatch after this fix goes
>>>> in,
>>>> rather than instead of? Because this is a user facing change in
>> behaviour
>>>> but the removal of fnmatch would be an non-user facing code refactor?
>>>> It's technically not an "expansion" because we always used fnmatch and
>> the
>>>> linked commit hasn't made it to a release yet.
>>> The main place the expansion gets added is parse-events.c, previously
>>> parse-events.y. If we're adding the expansion ourselves then we can
>> choose
>>> the form we add it. Some coming servers will have 100s of PMUs and so I'm
>>> worried about the scanning cost when a PMU isn't specified.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ian
>> I think I might not be following. If a PMU isn't specified then
>> perf_pmu__match() is never called so no cost is incurred. I also don't
>> add any new calls to fnmatch().
>> I only updated the gate on whether the existing fnmatch() is called from
>> "*" to "*[?". So it only happens when one of those characters is in the
>> PMU name, but it already happens when '*' is in the name.
> Right. I'm not saying there is anything wrong in the change or an
> additional cost, what the issue is is that currently only really '*'
> requires fnmatch and that's because the event parsing adds it. It could

It's not only '*' that requires it, see the example I added in the
commit message:

./perf stat -e mypmu_[01]/<config>/

'?' was supported before as well which could be useful.

> similarly add '.*' if we did regular expression matching. By expanding what
> we pass to fnmatch from the command line the more committed we are to
> fnmatch rather than regular expressions - which is what we use everywhere
> else in the code. So maybe it was a feature that this wasn't working.

But we haven't had a release of Perf yet where more is passed to
fnmatch(). Before f91fa2ae6360 ("perf pmu: Refactor perf_pmu__match()")
everything was passed to fnmatch(). After that unreleased commit only
things with '*' are. Now with this change only "*?[", so it's less not more.

I don't think there is any commitment to keep it, we can always remove
fnmatch in the future. But it looks like a mistake to me because the
title says "refactor" when it actually removes a feature.

> Thanks,
> Ian

> But yes I agree about the potential performance issues. With a large
>> number of PMUs if regex is faster we can update it to use that instead.
>> But we should make sure the regex supports the same wildcarding options
>> as before (unless we want to remove the range options, but that's a
>> separate thing I suppose).
>>>>> ---
>>>>>> tools/perf/tests/pmu.c | 78
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>> tools/perf/util/pmu.c | 2 +-
>>>>>> 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/pmu.c b/tools/perf/tests/pmu.c
>>>>>> index cc88b5920c3e..fd07331b2d6e 100644
>>>>>> --- a/tools/perf/tests/pmu.c
>>>>>> +++ b/tools/perf/tests/pmu.c
>>>>>> @@ -437,12 +437,90 @@ static int test__name_cmp(struct test_suite
>> *test
>>>>>> __maybe_unused, int subtest __
>>>>>> return TEST_OK;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> +/**
>>>>>> + * Test perf_pmu__match() that's used to search for a PMU given a
>> name
>>>>>> passed
>>>>>> + * on the command line. The name that's passed may also be a filename
>>>>>> type glob
>>>>>> + * match.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> +static int test__pmu_match(struct test_suite *test __maybe_unused,
>> int
>>>>>> subtest __maybe_unused)
>>>>>> +{
>>>>>> + struct perf_pmu test_pmu;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + = "pmuname";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Exact match", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Longer token", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "longertoken"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Shorter token", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmu"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + = "pmuname_10";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Diff suffix_", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_2"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Sub suffix_", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_1"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Same suffix_", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_10"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("No suffix_", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Underscore_", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Substring_", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuna"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + = "pmuname_ab23";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Diff suffix hex_",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_2"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Sub suffix hex_",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_ab"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Same suffix hex_",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_ab23"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("No suffix hex_",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Underscore hex_",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Substring hex_",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuna"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + = "pmuname10";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Diff suffix", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname2"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Sub suffix", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname1"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Same suffix", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname10"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("No suffix", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Underscore", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Substring", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuna"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + = "pmunameab23";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Diff suffix hex",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname2"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Sub suffix hex",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmunameab"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Same suffix hex",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmunameab23"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("No suffix hex",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Underscore hex",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Substring hex",
>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuna"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + /*
>>>>>> + * 2 hex chars or less are not considered suffixes so it
>>>> shouldn't
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> + * possible to wildcard by skipping the suffix. Therefore
>> there
>>>>>> are more
>>>>>> + * false results here than above.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + = "pmuname_a3";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Diff suffix 2 hex_",
>>>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_2"), false);
>>>>>> + /*
>>>>>> + * This one should be false, but because pmuname_a3 ends in 3
>>>>>> which is
>>>>>> + * decimal, it's not possible to determine if it's a short hex
>>>>>> suffix or
>>>>>> + * a normal decimal suffix following text. And we want to
>> match
>>>> on
>>>>>> any
>>>>>> + * length of decimal suffix. Run the test anyway and expect
>> the
>>>>>> wrong
>>>>>> + * result. And slightly fuzzy matching shouldn't do too much
>>>> harm.
>>>>>> + */
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Sub suffix 2 hex_",
>>>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_a"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Same suffix 2 hex_",
>>>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_a3"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("No suffix 2 hex_",
>>>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Underscore 2 hex_",
>>>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Substring 2 hex_",
>>>> perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuna"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + = "pmuname_5";
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Glob 1", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>> "pmu*"),
>>>>>> true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Glob 2", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "nomatch*"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Seq 1", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_[12345]"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("Seq 2", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_[67890]"), false);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("? 1", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_?"), true);
>>>>>> + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL("? 2", perf_pmu__match(&test_pmu,
>>>>>> "pmuname_1?"), false);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + return TEST_OK;
>>>>>> +}
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> static struct test_case tests__pmu[] = {
>>>>>> TEST_CASE("Parsing with PMU format directory", pmu_format),
>>>>>> TEST_CASE("Parsing with PMU event", pmu_events),
>>>>>> TEST_CASE("PMU event names", pmu_event_names),
>>>>>> TEST_CASE("PMU name combining", name_len),
>>>>>> TEST_CASE("PMU name comparison", name_cmp),
>>>>>> + TEST_CASE("PMU cmdline match", pmu_match),
>>>>>> { .name = NULL, }
>>>>>> };
>>>>>> diff --git a/tools/perf/util/pmu.c b/tools/perf/util/pmu.c
>>>>>> index c94a91645b21..97d74fe6d816 100644
>>>>>> --- a/tools/perf/util/pmu.c
>>>>>> +++ b/tools/perf/util/pmu.c
>>>>>> @@ -2150,7 +2150,7 @@ void perf_pmu__warn_invalid_config(struct
>> perf_pmu
>>>>>> *pmu, __u64 config,
>>>>>> bool perf_pmu__match(const struct perf_pmu *pmu, const char *tok)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> const char *name = pmu->name;
>>>>>> - bool need_fnmatch = strchr(tok, '*') != NULL;
>>>>>> + bool need_fnmatch = strisglob(tok);
>>>>>> if (!strncmp(tok, "uncore_", 7))
>>>>>> tok += 7;
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> 2.34.1