Re: [PATCH v4 2/2] iio:proximity:hx9023s: Add TYHX HX9023S sensor driver

From: Yasin Lee
Date: Tue Jun 18 2024 - 13:12:27 EST

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your guidance. I have already incorporated the modifications you mentioned and have replied with the details inline below.

Best regards,

Yasin Lee

在 2024/6/8 03:40, Andy Shevchenko 写道:
On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 2:42 PM Yasin Lee <yasin.lee.x@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Yasin Lee <yasin.lee.x@xxxxxxxxx>

A SAR sensor from NanjingTianyihexin Electronics Ltd.

The device has the following entry points:

Usual frequency:
- sampling_frequency

Instant reading of current values for different sensors:
- in_proximity0_raw
- in_proximity1_raw
- in_proximity2_raw
- in_proximity3_raw
- in_proximity4_raw
and associated events in events/

+#include <linux/acpi.h>

+#include <linux/array_size.h>
+#include <linux/bitfield.h>
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#include <linux/byteorder/generic.h>
It should be asm/byteorder.h after linux/* (you have already
unaligned.h there, move this one there)

+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
Why do you need this?

+#include <linux/math.h>
+#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/mutex.h>
+#include <linux/pm.h>
+#include <linux/property.h>
+#include <linux/regmap.h>
+#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/units.h>
+#include <asm/unaligned.h>
+#include <linux/iio/buffer.h>
+#include <linux/iio/events.h>
+#include <linux/iio/iio.h>
+#include <linux/iio/trigger.h>
+#include <linux/iio/triggered_buffer.h>
+#include <linux/iio/trigger_consumer.h>
+#include <linux/iio/types.h>
Do you really use all of these iio/*?


The modified header file is as follows, and I have checked line by line to confirm that all the listed IIO-related header files are necessary:

#include <linux/array_size.h>
#include <linux/bitfield.h>
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
#include <linux/math.h>
#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/pm.h>
#include <linux/property.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>
#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/units.h>

#include <asm/byteorder.h>
#include <asm/unaligned.h>

#include <linux/iio/buffer.h>
#include <linux/iio/events.h>
#include <linux/iio/iio.h>
#include <linux/iio/trigger.h>
#include <linux/iio/triggered_buffer.h>
#include <linux/iio/trigger_consumer.h>
#include <linux/iio/types.h>

+struct hx9023s_ch_data {
+ int raw;
+ int lp; /* low pass */
+ int bl; /* base line */
+ int diff; /* lp-bl */
Decrypt the comment.
    int raw; /* Raw Data*/
    int lp; /* Low Pass Filter Data*/
    int bl; /* Base Line Data */
    int diff; /* difference of Low Pass Data and Base Line Data */
+ struct {
+ int near;
+ int far;
+ } thres;
Do all of the above have to be signed? Why?
I'll get rid of signed integers and use unsigned integers instead.
+ u16 dac;
+ u8 cs_position;
+ u8 channel_positive;
+ u8 channel_negative;
+ bool sel_bl;
+ bool sel_raw;
+ bool sel_diff;
+ bool sel_lp;
+ bool enable;
+struct hx9023s_data {
+ struct iio_trigger *trig;
+ struct regmap *regmap;
+ unsigned long chan_prox_stat;
+ unsigned long chan_read;
+ unsigned long chan_event;
+ unsigned long ch_en_stat;
+ unsigned long chan_in_use;
+ unsigned int prox_state_reg;
+ bool trigger_enabled;
+ struct {
+ __be16 channels[HX9023S_CH_NUM];
+ s64 ts __aligned(8);
+ } buffer;
+ struct hx9023s_ch_data ch_data[HX9023S_CH_NUM];
I would suggest moving this to be the last field. It might help in the
future if we ever need to convert this to VLA.
Okay, I'll revise it based on your suggestions.
+ /* adc avg number and osr number of each channel */
+ /* sample & integration frequency of the adc */

+ { HX9023S_SAMPLE_NUM_7_0, 0x65 },
+ { HX9023S_INTEGRATION_NUM_7_0, 0x65 },
+ /* coefficient of the first order low pass filter during each channel */
+ { HX9023S_LP_ALP_1_0_CFG, 0x22 },
+ { HX9023S_LP_ALP_3_2_CFG, 0x22 },
+ { HX9023S_LP_ALP_4_CFG, 0x02 },
+ /* up coefficient of the first order low pass filter during each channel */
+ { HX9023S_UP_ALP_1_0_CFG, 0x88 },
+ { HX9023S_UP_ALP_3_2_CFG, 0x88 },
+ { HX9023S_DN_UP_ALP_0_4_CFG, 0x18 },
+ /* down coefficient of the first order low pass filter during each channel */
+ { HX9023S_DN_ALP_2_1_CFG, 0x11 },
+ { HX9023S_DN_ALP_4_3_CFG, 0x11 },
+ /* output data */
What is this supposed to mean?
Modify to: /* selection of data for the Data Mux Register to output data */
+ { HX9023S_RAW_BL_RD_CFG, 0xF0 },
+ /* enable the interrupt function */
+ { HX9023S_INTERRUPT_CFG, 0xFF },
+ { HX9023S_INTERRUPT_CFG1, 0x3B },
+ { HX9023S_DITHER_CFG, 0x21 },
+ /* threshold of the offset compensation */
+ { HX9023S_CALI_DIFF_CFG, 0x07 },
+ /* proximity persistency number(near & far) */
+ { HX9023S_PROX_INT_HIGH_CFG, 0x01 },
+ { HX9023S_PROX_INT_LOW_CFG, 0x01 },
+ /* disable the data lock */
+ { HX9023S_DSP_CONFIG_CTRL1, 0x00 },

+static const struct regmap_config hx9023s_regmap_config = {
+ .reg_bits = 8,
+ .val_bits = 8,
+ .cache_type = REGCACHE_RBTREE,
Why not MAPLE?
In my test version of the kernel, MAPLE is not supported. Now, I am modifying and submitting it to support MAPLE.
+ .wr_table = &hx9023s_wr_regs,
+ .volatile_table = &hx9023s_volatile_regs,

+static int hx9023s_data_lock(struct hx9023s_data *data, bool locked)
+ int ret;
Unneeded, you may return directly.

+ if (locked)
+ ret = regmap_update_bits(data->regmap, HX9023S_DSP_CONFIG_CTRL1,
return regmap_update_bits(...);

+ else
+ ret = regmap_update_bits(data->regmap, HX9023S_DSP_CONFIG_CTRL1, GENMASK(4, 3), 0);
+ return ret;

+static int hx9023s_ch_cfg(struct hx9023s_data *data)
+ int ret;
+ int i;
Why signed?

Modify to: unsigned int , same below.
+ u16 reg;
+ u8 reg_list[HX9023S_CH_NUM * 2];
+ u8 ch_pos[HX9023S_CH_NUM];
+ u8 ch_neg[HX9023S_CH_NUM];
+ data->ch_data[0].cs_position = 0;
+ data->ch_data[1].cs_position = 2;
+ data->ch_data[2].cs_position = 4;
+ data->ch_data[3].cs_position = 6;
+ data->ch_data[4].cs_position = 8;
+ for (i = 0; i < HX9023S_CH_NUM; i++) {
+ if (data->ch_data[i].channel_positive == 255)
Magic number! Should it be GENMASK()? U8_MAX? Something else semantically?
Replace with  #define HX9023S_NOT_CONNECTED  to indicate an unconnected channel.
+ ch_pos[i] = 16;
+ else
+ ch_pos[i] = data->ch_data[data->ch_data[i].channel_positive].cs_position;
+ if (data->ch_data[i].channel_negative == 255)

+ ch_neg[i] = 16;
+ else
+ ch_neg[i] = data->ch_data[data->ch_data[i].channel_negative].cs_position;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < HX9023S_CH_NUM; i++) {
+ reg = (u16)((0x03 << ch_pos[i]) | (0x02 << ch_neg[i]));
Why casting? What are those magic numbers?

Delete the casting & Replace the magic number with:

#define HX9023S_POS 0x03
#define HX9023S_NEG 0x02

+ reg_list[i * 2] = (u8)(reg);
+ reg_list[i * 2 + 1] = (u8)(reg >> 8);

+ }
+ ret = regmap_bulk_write(data->regmap, HX9023S_CH0_CFG_7_0, reg_list, HX9023S_CH_NUM * 2);
+ return ret;
Return directly.
+static int hx9023s_reg_init(struct hx9023s_data *data)
+ int i = 0;
Why signed? What is that assignment for?

+ int ret;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(hx9023s_reg_init_list); i++) {
+ ret = regmap_bulk_write(data->regmap, hx9023s_reg_init_list[i].addr,
+ &hx9023s_reg_init_list[i].val, 1);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return 0;

+static int hx9023s_write_far_debounce(struct hx9023s_data *data, int val)
+ int ret;
+ if (val > 0xF)
+ val = 0xF;
What is this magic?
Shouldn't you use clamp()?

+ guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+ ret = regmap_update_bits(data->regmap, HX9023S_PROX_INT_LOW_CFG,
+ return ret;
Return directly. Really you may reduce your code base by ~50 LoCs just
by dropping unneeded ret and this kind of code.


static int hx9023s_write_far_debounce(struct hx9023s_data *data, int val)

    return regmap_update_bits(data->regmap, HX9023S_PROX_INT_LOW_CFG,
                FIELD_GET(HX9023S_PROX_DEBOUNCE_MASK, val));

+static int hx9023s_write_near_debounce(struct hx9023s_data *data, int val)
As per above function.


+static int hx9023s_get_thres_near(struct hx9023s_data *data, u8 ch, int *val)
+ int ret;
+ u8 buf[2];
+ if (ch == 4)
Instead, make a temporary variable for the reg and use only a single
call to regmap_bulk_read().

+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_PROX_HIGH_DIFF_CFG_CH4_0, buf, 2);

+ else
+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap,
+ HX9023S_PROX_HIGH_DIFF_CFG_CH0_0 + (ch * HX9023S_2BYTES), buf, 2);

Redundant blank line.

+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ *val = get_unaligned_le16(buf);
+ *val = (*val & GENMASK(9, 0)) * 32;
+ data->ch_data[ch].thres.near = *val;
Better to have a temporary variable and do something like

unsigned int tmp;

tmp = (get_unaligned_le16(buf) & GENMASK(9, 0)) * 32;
near = tmp;
*val = tmp;

See the difference?

+ return IIO_VAL_INT;

+static int hx9023s_get_thres_far(struct hx9023s_data *data, u8 ch, int *val)
As per above.


+static int hx9023s_set_thres_near(struct hx9023s_data *data, u8 ch, int val)
As per above.

+static int hx9023s_set_thres_far(struct hx9023s_data *data, u8 ch, int val)
As per above.

Fixed all of them.

+static void hx9023s_get_prox_state(struct hx9023s_data *data)
+ int ret;
Are the 4 LoCs just for fun? Or why does the function return void?

+ ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_PROX_STATUS, &data->prox_state_reg);
+ if (ret)
+ return;
static int hx9023s_get_prox_state(struct hx9023s_data *data)
    return regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_PROX_STATUS, &data->prox_state_reg);


+static void hx9023s_data_select(struct hx9023s_data *data)
Why void?

+ int ret;
+ int i;
Why signed?

+ unsigned long buf[1];
Why an array?

+ ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_RAW_BL_RD_CFG, (unsigned int *)buf);
No. Why do you need this ugly casting?

+ if (ret)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ data->ch_data[i].sel_diff = test_bit(i, buf);
+ data->ch_data[i].sel_lp = !data->ch_data[i].sel_diff;
+ data->ch_data[i].sel_bl = test_bit(i + 4, buf);
+ data->ch_data[i].sel_raw = !data->ch_data[i].sel_bl;
+ }
+ ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_INTERRUPT_CFG1, (unsigned int *)buf);
+ if (ret)
+ return;
+ data->ch_data[4].sel_diff = test_bit(2, buf);
+ data->ch_data[4].sel_lp = !data->ch_data[4].sel_diff;
+ data->ch_data[4].sel_bl = test_bit(3, buf);
+ data->ch_data[4].sel_raw = !data->ch_data[4].sel_bl;

Modified as below:

static int hx9023s_data_select(struct hx9023s_data *data)

    int ret;
    unsigned int i, buf;
    unsigned long tmp;

    ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_RAW_BL_RD_CFG, &buf);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

    tmp = buf;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        data->ch_data[i].sel_diff = test_bit(i, &tmp);
        data->ch_data[i].sel_lp = !data->ch_data[i].sel_diff;
        data->ch_data[i].sel_bl = test_bit(i + 4, &tmp);
        data->ch_data[i].sel_raw = !data->ch_data[i].sel_bl;

    ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_INTERRUPT_CFG1, &buf);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

    tmp = buf;
    data->ch_data[4].sel_diff = test_bit(2, &tmp);
    data->ch_data[4].sel_lp = !data->ch_data[4].sel_diff;
    data->ch_data[4].sel_bl = test_bit(3, &tmp);
    data->ch_data[4].sel_raw = !data->ch_data[4].sel_bl;

    return 0;

+static int hx9023s_sample(struct hx9023s_data *data)
+ int ret;
+ int i;
Why signed?

+ u8 data_size;
+ u8 offset_data_size;
+ int value;
+ u8 rx_buf[HX9023S_CH_NUM * HX9023S_BYTES_MAX];
+ hx9023s_data_lock(data, true);
+ hx9023s_data_select(data);
+ data_size = HX9023S_3BYTES;
+ /* ch0~ch3 */
+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_RAW_BL_CH0_0, rx_buf,
+ (HX9023S_CH_NUM * data_size) - data_size);
Make a temporary variable and use (CH_NUM - 1) * data_size which is
shorter and clearer.

+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* ch4 */
+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_RAW_BL_CH4_0,
+ rx_buf + ((HX9023S_CH_NUM * data_size) - data_size), data_size);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ for (i = 0; i < HX9023S_CH_NUM; i++) {
+ value = get_unaligned_le16(&rx_buf[i * data_size + 1]);
+ value = sign_extend32(value, 15);
+ data->ch_data[i].raw = 0;
+ data->ch_data[i].bl = 0;
+ if (data->ch_data[i].sel_raw == true)
+ data->ch_data[i].raw = value;
+ if (data->ch_data[i].sel_bl == true)
+ data->ch_data[i].bl = value;
+ }
+ /* ch0~ch3 */
+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_LP_DIFF_CH0_0, rx_buf,
+ (HX9023S_CH_NUM * data_size) - data_size);
Use a temporary constant.
Fixed, same below
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /* ch4 */
+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_LP_DIFF_CH4_0,
+ rx_buf + ((HX9023S_CH_NUM * data_size) - data_size), data_size);

+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ for (i = 0; i < HX9023S_CH_NUM; i++) {
+ value = get_unaligned_le16(&rx_buf[i * data_size + 1]);
+ value = sign_extend32(value, 15);
+ data->ch_data[i].lp = 0;
+ data->ch_data[i].diff = 0;
+ if (data->ch_data[i].sel_lp == true)
+ data->ch_data[i].lp = value;
+ if (data->ch_data[i].sel_diff == true)
+ data->ch_data[i].diff = value;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < HX9023S_CH_NUM; i++) {
+ if (data->ch_data[i].sel_lp == true && data->ch_data[i].sel_bl == true)
+ data->ch_data[i].diff = data->ch_data[i].lp - data->ch_data[i].bl;
+ }
+ /* offset dac */
+ offset_data_size = HX9023S_2BYTES;
+ ret = regmap_bulk_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_OFFSET_DAC0_7_0, rx_buf,
+ (HX9023S_CH_NUM * offset_data_size));
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ for (i = 0; i < HX9023S_CH_NUM; i++) {
+ value = get_unaligned_le16(&rx_buf[i * offset_data_size]);
+ value = FIELD_GET(GENMASK(11, 0), value);
+ data->ch_data[i].dac = value;
+ }
+ hx9023s_data_lock(data, false);
+ return 0;
+static int hx9023s_ch_en(struct hx9023s_data *data, u8 ch_id, bool en)
+ int ret;
+ unsigned int buf;
+ ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_CH_NUM_CFG, &buf);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ data->ch_en_stat = buf;
+ if (en) {
+ if (data->ch_en_stat == 0)
+ data->prox_state_reg = 0;
+ set_bit(ch_id, &data->ch_en_stat);
Why atomit?

+ ret = regmap_bulk_write(data->regmap, HX9023S_CH_NUM_CFG, &data->ch_en_stat, 1);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ data->ch_data[ch_id].enable = true;
+ } else {
+ clear_bit(ch_id, &data->ch_en_stat);
+ ret = regmap_bulk_write(data->regmap, HX9023S_CH_NUM_CFG, &data->ch_en_stat, 1);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ data->ch_data[ch_id].enable = false;
+ }
This can be compressed to

if (en && ch_en_stat == 0)
prox_state_reg = 0;
__assign_bit(en); // or atomic, but the latter has to be justified
enable = !!en;
ret = regmap_bulk_write();
if (ret)
return ret;

+ return 0;

Modified as below:

static int hx9023s_ch_en(struct hx9023s_data *data, u8 ch_id, bool en)
    int ret;
    unsigned int buf;

    ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_CH_NUM_CFG, &buf);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

    data->ch_en_stat = buf;
    if (en && data->ch_en_stat == 0)
        data->prox_state_reg = 0;

    data->ch_data[ch_id].enable = en;
    __assign_bit(ch_id, &data->ch_en_stat, en);

    return regmap_write(data->regmap, HX9023S_CH_NUM_CFG, data->ch_en_stat);

+static int hx9023s_property_get(struct hx9023s_data *data)
+ int ret, i;
Why is the 'i' signed?

+ u32 temp;
+ struct fwnode_handle *child;
+ struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(data->regmap);
+ ret = device_property_read_u32(dev, "channel-in-use", &temp);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "Failed to read channel-in-use property\n");
+ data->chan_in_use = temp;
Did you even compile your code? The below uses uninitialised value.


It might be an issue with my local environment; the uninitialized problem was not detected during compilation.

+ device_for_each_child_node(dev, child) {
You have massive leaks in this loop, you need to use _scoped() variant.
Add fwnode_handle_put(child); before return err;
+ ret = fwnode_property_read_u32(child, "channel-positive", &temp);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret,
+ "Failed to read channel-positive for channel %d\n", i);
+ data->ch_data[i].channel_positive = temp;
+ ret = fwnode_property_read_u32(child, "channel-negative", &temp);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret,
+ "Failed to read channel-negative for channel %d\n", i);
+ data->ch_data[i].channel_negative = temp;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int hx9023s_update_chan_en(struct hx9023s_data *data,
+ unsigned long chan_read,
+ unsigned long chan_event)
+ int i;
Why signed?

+ unsigned long channels = chan_read | chan_event;
+ if ((data->chan_read | data->chan_event) != channels) {
+ for_each_set_bit(i, &channels, HX9023S_CH_NUM)
+ hx9023s_ch_en(data, i, test_bit(i, &data->chan_in_use));
+ for_each_clear_bit(i, &channels, HX9023S_CH_NUM)
+ hx9023s_ch_en(data, i, false);
+ }
+ data->chan_read = chan_read;
+ data->chan_event = chan_event;
+ return 0;

+static int hx9023s_get_samp_freq(struct hx9023s_data *data, int *val, int *val2)
+ int ret;
+ unsigned int odr;
+ unsigned int buf;
+ ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_PRF_CFG, &buf);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ odr = hx9023s_samp_freq_table[buf];
+ *val = 1000 / odr;

+ *val2 = div_u64((1000 % odr) * 1000000ULL, odr);

add comment.

    *val = 1000 / odr; /* odr in Hz */
    *val2 = div_u64((1000 % odr) * 1000000ULL, odr); /* odr in micro Hz */


+static int hx9023s_set_samp_freq(struct hx9023s_data *data, int val, int val2)
+ int i;
Why signed?

+ int ret;
+ int period_ms;
Why signed?

+ struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(data->regmap);
+ period_ms = div_u64(1000000000ULL, (val * 1000000ULL + val2));
Use units.h
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hx9023s_samp_freq_table); i++) {
+ if (period_ms == hx9023s_samp_freq_table[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(hx9023s_samp_freq_table)) {
+ dev_err(dev, "Period:%dms NOT found!\n", period_ms);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ret = regmap_bulk_write(data->regmap, HX9023S_PRF_CFG, &i, 1);
+ return ret;

Fixed all of these.

+static void hx9023s_push_events(struct iio_dev *indio_dev)
+ struct hx9023s_data *data = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ s64 timestamp = iio_get_time_ns(indio_dev);
+ unsigned long prox_changed;
+ unsigned int chan;
+ hx9023s_sample(data);
+ hx9023s_get_prox_state(data);
+ prox_changed = (data->chan_prox_stat ^ data->prox_state_reg) & data->chan_event;
Unneeded blank line.

+ for_each_set_bit(chan, &prox_changed, HX9023S_CH_NUM) {
+ int dir;
Why signed?

+ dir = (data->prox_state_reg & BIT(chan)) ? IIO_EV_DIR_FALLING : IIO_EV_DIR_RISING;
+ iio_push_event(indio_dev,
+ timestamp);
+ }
+ data->chan_prox_stat = data->prox_state_reg;

+static int hx9023s_write_event_config(struct iio_dev *indio_dev,
+ const struct iio_chan_spec *chan,
+ enum iio_event_type type,
+ enum iio_event_direction dir,
+ int state)
+ struct hx9023s_data *data = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ if (test_bit(chan->channel, &data->chan_in_use)) {
+ hx9023s_ch_en(data, chan->channel, !!state);
+ if (data->ch_data[chan->channel].enable)
+ set_bit(chan->channel, &data->chan_event);
+ else
+ clear_bit(chan->channel, &data->chan_event);
Why atomic?

+ }
+ return 0;

+static irqreturn_t hx9023s_trigger_handler(int irq, void *private)
+ struct iio_poll_func *pf = private;
+ struct iio_dev *indio_dev = pf->indio_dev;
+ struct hx9023s_data *data = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ int bit;
+ int i;
Why are both signed?

+ guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+ hx9023s_sample(data);
+ hx9023s_get_prox_state(data);
+ for_each_set_bit(bit, indio_dev->active_scan_mask, indio_dev->masklength)
+ data->buffer.channels[i++] =
+ cpu_to_be16(data->ch_data[indio_dev->channels[bit].channel].diff);
+ iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp(indio_dev, &data->buffer, pf->timestamp);
+ iio_trigger_notify_done(indio_dev->trig);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int hx9023s_buffer_preenable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev)
+ struct hx9023s_data *data = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ unsigned long channels;
+ int bit;
Why signed?

+ guard(mutex)(&data->mutex);
+ for_each_set_bit(bit, indio_dev->active_scan_mask, indio_dev->masklength)
+ __set_bit(indio_dev->channels[bit].channel, &channels);
+ hx9023s_update_chan_en(data, channels, data->chan_event);
+ return 0;

+static int hx9023s_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
+ int ret;
+ unsigned int id;
+ struct device *dev = &client->dev;
+ struct iio_dev *indio_dev;
+ struct hx9023s_data *data;
+ indio_dev = devm_iio_device_alloc(dev, sizeof(struct hx9023s_data));
+ if (!indio_dev)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, -ENOMEM, "device alloc failed\n");
We don't issue a message for -ENOMEM.
+ data = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ mutex_init(&data->mutex);
+ data->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(client, &hx9023s_regmap_config);
+ if (IS_ERR(data->regmap))
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(data->regmap), "regmap init failed\n");
+ ret = hx9023s_property_get(data);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "dts phase failed\n");
+ ret = devm_regulator_get_enable(dev, "vdd");
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "regulator get failed\n");
+ fsleep(1000);
+ ret = regmap_read(data->regmap, HX9023S_DEVICE_ID, &id);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "id check failed\n");
+ indio_dev->channels = hx9023s_channels;
+ indio_dev->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(hx9023s_channels);
+ indio_dev->info = &hx9023s_info;
+ indio_dev->modes = INDIO_DIRECT_MODE;
+ indio_dev->name = "hx9023s";
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, indio_dev);
+ ret = hx9023s_reg_init(data);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "device init failed\n");
+ ret = hx9023s_ch_cfg(data);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "channel config failed\n");
+ ret = regcache_sync(data->regmap);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "regcache sync failed\n");
+ if (client->irq) {
+ ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, client->irq, hx9023s_irq_handler,
+ hx9023s_irq_thread_handler, IRQF_ONESHOT,
+ "hx9023s_event", indio_dev);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "irq request failed\n");
+ data->trig = devm_iio_trigger_alloc(dev, "%s-dev%d", indio_dev->name,
+ iio_device_id(indio_dev));
+ if (!data->trig)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, -ENOMEM,
+ "iio trigger alloc failed\n");
+ data->trig->ops = &hx9023s_trigger_ops;
+ iio_trigger_set_drvdata(data->trig, indio_dev);
+ ret = devm_iio_trigger_register(dev, data->trig);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret,
+ "iio trigger register failed\n");
+ }
+ ret = devm_iio_triggered_buffer_setup(dev, indio_dev, iio_pollfunc_store_time,
+ hx9023s_trigger_handler, &hx9023s_buffer_setup_ops);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret,
+ "iio triggered buffer setup failed\n");
+ ret = devm_iio_device_register(dev, indio_dev);
+ if (ret)
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "iio device register failed\n");
+ return 0;

+static const struct acpi_device_id hx9023s_acpi_match[] = {
+ { "TYHX9023" },
+ {}
Btw, do you have a reference to any device on the market that has this ID?
Drop the acpi match