Re: [PATCH v2 2/4] dt-bindings: iio: adc: add AD4695 and similar ADCs

From: David Lechner
Date: Tue Jun 18 2024 - 15:29:25 EST

On 6/17/24 2:53 PM, David Lechner wrote:
> Add device tree bindings for AD4695 and similar ADCs.
> Signed-off-by: David Lechner <dlechner@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---

> +
> + interrupts:
> + minItems: 1
> + items:
> + - description:
> + Signal coming from the BSY_ALT_GP0 or GP3 pin that indicates a busy
> + condition.
> + - description:
> + Signal coming from the BSY_ALT_GP0 or GP2 pin that indicates an alert
> + condition.
> +
> + interrupt-names:
> + minItems: 1
> + items:
> + - const: busy
> + - const: alert
> +

Since the interrupt can come from two different pins, it seems like we would
need an extra property to specify this. Is there a standard way to do this?

Otherwise I will add something like:

$ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/flag
When present, the busy interrupt is coming from the GP3 pin, otherwise
the interrupt is coming from the BSY_ALT_GP0 pin.

$ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/flag
When present, the alert interrupt is coming from the GP2 pin, otherwise
the interrupt is coming from the BSY_ALT_GP0 pin.

> +
> +patternProperties:
> + "^channel@[0-9a-f]$":
> + type: object
> + $ref: adc.yaml
> + unevaluatedProperties: false
> + description:
> + Describes each individual channel. In addition the properties defined
> + below, bipolar from adc.yaml is also supported.
> +
> + properties:
> + reg:
> + maximum: 15
> +
> + diff-channels:
> + description:
> + Describes inputs used for differential channels. The first value must
> + be an even numbered input and the second value must be the next
> + consecutive odd numbered input.
> + items:
> + - minimum: 0
> + maximum: 14
> + multipleOf: 2
> + - minimum: 1
> + maximum: 15
> + not:
> + multipleOf: 2

After some more testing, it turns out that I misunderstood the datasheet and
this isn't actually fully differential, but rather pseudo-differential.

So when pairing with the next pin, it is similar to pairing with the COM pin
where the negative input pin is connected to a constant voltage source.

> +
> + single-channel:
> + minimum: 0
> + maximum: 15
> +
> + common-mode-channel:
> + description:
> + Describes the common mode channel for single channels. 0 is REFGND
> + and 1 is COM. Macros are available for these values in
> + dt-bindings/iio/adi,ad4695.h.
> + minimum: 0
> + maximum: 1
> + default: 0

So I'm thinking the right thing to do here go back to using reg and the INx
number and only have common-mode-channel (no diff-channels or single-channel).

common-mode-channel will need to be changed to allow INx numbers in addition
to COM and REFGND.

This means that [PATCH v2 1/4] "dt-bindings: iio: adc: add common-mode-channel
dependency" would be wrong since we would be using common-mode-channel without

It also means we will need an optional in1-supply: true for all odd numbered