Re: [PATCH] cpupower: Remove absent 'v' parameter from monitor man page

From: Shuah Khan
Date: Tue Jun 18 2024 - 16:22:23 EST

On 6/18/24 13:21, Roman Storozhenko wrote:
Remove not supported '-v' parameter from the cpupower's 'monitor'
command description.

Nice find.

Signed-off-by: Roman Storozhenko <romeusmeister@xxxxxxxxx>
There is a '-v' parameter described in cpupower's 'monitor' command man
page. It isn't supported at the moment, and perhaps has never been
supported. When I run the monitor with this parameter I get the

$ sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/ bin/cpupower monitor -v
monitor: invalid option -- 'v'
invalid or unknown argument
$ sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/ bin/cpupower monitor -V
monitor: invalid option -- 'V'
invalid or unknown argument

You are burying important information in throw away text. Please
add all of the above text to commit log and send me v2.

-- Shuah