Re: [PATCH V2 RFC] acpi: Allow ignoring _OSC CPPC v2 bit via kernel parameter

From: Aaron Rainbolt
Date: Tue Jun 18 2024 - 16:58:57 EST

On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 03:25:36PM -0500, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> acpi: Allow ignoring _OSC CPPC v2 bit via kernel parameter
> The _OSC is supposed to contain a bit indicating whether the hardware
> supports CPPC v2 or not. This bit is not always set, causing CPPC v2 to
> be considered absent. This results in severe single-core performance
> issues with the EEVDF scheduler on heterogenous-core Intel processors.
> To work around this, provide a new kernel parameter, "ignore_osc_cppc_bit",
> which may be used to ignore the _OSC CPPC v2 bit and act as if the bit was
> enabled. This allows CPPC to be properly detected even if not "enabled" by
> _OSC, allowing users with problematic hardware to obtain decent single-core
> performance.
> Signed-off-by: Aaron Rainbolt <arainbolt@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> V1 -> V2: Rewrite to work in cpc_supported_by_cpu.
> RFC: I have not yet tested this patch to ensure it functions properly,
> nor have I attempted to compile it against mainline. My system takes
> a couple of hours or so to build a kernel, and I'd like to submit this
> for feedback now and test once it's sent.

I sped up my build by using a defconfig rather than a default menuconfig
(still learning how these things work), and confirmed that the patch does
build against 6.10~rc4. Will report back test results hopefully soon.