Re: [PATCH v5 04/15] soc: qcom: ice: add hwkm support in ice

From: Neil Armstrong
Date: Wed Jun 19 2024 - 03:12:45 EST

Le 19/06/2024 à 00:08, Gaurav Kashyap (QUIC) a écrit :
Hello Neil,

On 06/18/2024 12:14 AM PDT, Neil Armstrong wrote:
On 17/06/2024 02:50, Gaurav Kashyap wrote:
Qualcomm's ICE (Inline Crypto Engine) contains a proprietary key
management hardware called Hardware Key Manager (HWKM).
This patch integrates HWKM support in ICE when it is available. HWKM
primarily provides hardware wrapped key support where the ICE
(storage) keys are not available in software and protected in

When HWKM software support is not fully available (from Trustzone),
there can be a scenario where the ICE hardware supports HWKM, but it
cannot be used for wrapped keys. In this case, standard keys have to
be used without using HWKM. Hence, providing a toggle controlled by a
devicetree entry to use HWKM or not.

Tested-by: Neil Armstrong <neil.armstrong@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Gaurav Kashyap <quic_gaurkash@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/soc/qcom/ice.c | 153
include/soc/qcom/ice.h | 1 +
2 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/soc/qcom/ice.c b/drivers/soc/qcom/ice.c index
6f941d32fffb..d5e74cf2946b 100644
--- a/drivers/soc/qcom/ice.c
+++ b/drivers/soc/qcom/ice.c
@@ -26,6 +26,40 @@


static struct qcom_ice *qcom_ice_create(struct device *dev,
void __iomem *base)
@@ -239,6 +382,8 @@ static struct qcom_ice *qcom_ice_create(struct
device *dev,
engine->core_clk = devm_clk_get_enabled(dev, NULL);
if (IS_ERR(engine->core_clk))
return ERR_CAST(engine->core_clk);
+ engine->use_hwkm = of_property_read_bool(dev->of_node,
+ "qcom,ice-use-hwkm");

Please drop this property and instead add an scm function calling:



bool qcom_scm_derive_sw_secret_available(void)
if (!__qcom_scm_is_call_available(__scm->dev, QCOM_SCM_SVC_ES,
return false;

return true;

You may perhaps only call qcom_scm_derive_sw_secret_available() for
some ICE versions.


The issue here is that for the same ICE version, based on the chipset,
there might be different configurations.

So use a combination of a list of compatible strings + qcom_scm_derive_sw_secret_available()
to enable hwkm.


Is it acceptable to use the addressable size from DTSI instead?
Meaning, if it 0x8000, it would take the legacy route, and only when it has been
updated to 0x10000, we would use HWKM and wrapped keys.

if (!qcom_ice_check_supported(engine))
return ERR_PTR(-EOPNOTSUPP); diff --git
a/include/soc/qcom/ice.h b/include/soc/qcom/ice.h index
9dd835dba2a7..1f52e82e3e1c 100644
--- a/include/soc/qcom/ice.h
+++ b/include/soc/qcom/ice.h
@@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ int qcom_ice_program_key(struct qcom_ice *ice,
const struct blk_crypto_key *bkey,
u8 data_unit_size, int slot);
int qcom_ice_evict_key(struct qcom_ice *ice, int slot);
+bool qcom_ice_hwkm_supported(struct qcom_ice *ice);
struct qcom_ice *of_qcom_ice_get(struct device *dev);
#endif /* __QCOM_ICE_H__ */
