Re: [net-next,PATCH 2/2] net: stmmac: dwmac-stm32: stm32: add management of stm32mp25 for stm32

From: Christophe ROULLIER
Date: Wed Jun 19 2024 - 11:46:49 EST

On 6/19/24 15:14, Marek Vasut wrote:
On 6/19/24 9:41 AM, Christophe ROULLIER wrote:


+static int stm32mp2_configure_syscfg(struct plat_stmmacenet_data *plat_dat)
+    struct stm32_dwmac *dwmac = plat_dat->bsp_priv;
+    u32 reg = dwmac->mode_reg;
+    int val = 0;
+    switch (plat_dat->mac_interface) {
+        break;

dwmac->enable_eth_ck does not apply to MII mode ? Why ?

It is like MP1 and MP13, nothing to set in syscfg register for case MII mode wo crystal.

Have a look at STM32MP15xx RM0436 Figure 83. Peripheral clock distribution for Ethernet.

If RCC (top-left corner of the figure) generates 25 MHz MII clock (yellow line) on eth_clk_fb (top-right corner), can I set ETH_REF_CLK_SEL to position '1' and ETH_SEL[2] to '0' and feed ETH (right side) clk_rx_i input with 25 MHz clock that way ?

I seems like this should be possible, at least theoretically. Can you check with the hardware/silicon people ?
No it is not possible (it will work if speed (and frequency) is fixed 25Mhz=100Mbps, but for speed 10Mbps (2,5MHz) it will not work.

Could the pll4_p_ck or pll3_q_ck generate either 25 MHz or 2.5 MHz as needed in that case ? Then it would work, right ?

Yes you can set frequency you want for pll4 or pll3, if you set 25MHz and auto-negotiation of speed is 100Mbps it should work (pad ETH_CK of 25MHz clock the PHY and eth_clk_fb set to 25MHz for clk_RX)

but if autoneg of speed is 10Mbps, then 2.5MHz is needed for clk_RX (you will provide 25Mhz)

What if:

- Aneg is 10 Mbps
- PLL4_P_CK/PLL3_Q_CK = 2.5 MHz
- ETH_SEL[2] = 0


Then, clk_rx_i is 2.5 MHz, right ?
Yes that right

Does this configuration work ?
For me no, because PHY Ethernet Oscillator/cristal need in PAD 25Mhz or 50Mhz, I think it is does not work if oscillator frequency provided is 2.5MHz (To my knowledge there is no Ethernet PHY which have oscillator working to 2.5MHz)

. For RMII case, frequency from pll (eth_clk_fb) is automatically adjust in function of speed value, thanks to diviser /2, /20 with mac_speed_o.