[PATCH v3 05/14] drm/mediatek: Fix destination alpha error in OVL

From: Hsiao Chien Sung via B4 Relay
Date: Wed Jun 19 2024 - 12:40:20 EST

From: Hsiao Chien Sung <shawn.sung@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

The formula of Coverage alpha blending is:
dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - src.a * SCA / 0xff) / 0xff
+ src.a * SCA / 0xff

dst.a: destination alpha
src.a: pixel alpha
SCA : plane alpha

When SCA = 0xff, the formula becomes:
dst.a = dst.a * (0xff - src.a) + src.a

This patch is to set the destination alpha (background) to 0xff:
- When dst.a = 0 (before), dst.a = src.a
- When dst.a = 0xff (after) , dst.a = 0xff * (0xff - src.a) + src.a

According to the fomula above:
- When src.a = 0 , dst.a = 0
- When src.a = 0xff, dst.a = 0xff
This two cases are just still correct. But when src.a is
between 0 and 0xff, the difference starts to appear

Fixes: 616443ca577e ("drm/mediatek: Move cmdq_reg info from struct mtk_ddp_comp to sub driver private data")
Signed-off-by: Hsiao Chien Sung <shawn.sung@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c | 10 +++++++++-
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c
index bd00e5e85deb..693560fa34e8 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@

+#define OVL_COLOR_ALPHA GENMASK(31, 24)
static const u32 mt8173_formats[] = {
@@ -274,7 +276,13 @@ void mtk_ovl_config(struct device *dev, unsigned int w,
if (w != 0 && h != 0)
mtk_ddp_write_relaxed(cmdq_pkt, h << 16 | w, &ovl->cmdq_reg, ovl->regs,
- mtk_ddp_write_relaxed(cmdq_pkt, 0x0, &ovl->cmdq_reg, ovl->regs, DISP_REG_OVL_ROI_BGCLR);
+ /*
+ * The background color must be opaque black (ARGB),
+ * otherwise the alpha blending will have no effect
+ */
+ mtk_ddp_write_relaxed(cmdq_pkt, OVL_COLOR_ALPHA, &ovl->cmdq_reg,
+ ovl->regs, DISP_REG_OVL_ROI_BGCLR);

mtk_ddp_write(cmdq_pkt, 0x1, &ovl->cmdq_reg, ovl->regs, DISP_REG_OVL_RST);
mtk_ddp_write(cmdq_pkt, 0x0, &ovl->cmdq_reg, ovl->regs, DISP_REG_OVL_RST);
