Re: [PATCH v4] binder_alloc: Replace kcalloc with kvcalloc to mitigate OOM issues

From: Carlos Llamas
Date: Wed Jun 19 2024 - 19:44:21 EST

On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 07:38:40PM +0800, Lei Liu wrote:
> In binder_alloc, there is a frequent need for order3 memory allocation,
> especially on small-memory mobile devices, which can lead to OOM and
> cause foreground applications to be killed, resulting in flashbacks.
> We use kvcalloc to allocate memory, which can reduce system OOM
> occurrences, as well as decrease the time and probability of failure for
> order3 memory allocations. Additionally, It has little impact on the
> throughput of the binder. (as verified by Google's binder_benchmark
> testing tool).
> We have conducted multiple tests on an 8GB memory phone, kvcalloc has
> little performance degradation and resolves frequent OOM issues, Below
> is a partial excerpt of the test data.
> throughput(TH_PUT) = (size * Iterations)/Time
> kcalloc->kvcalloc:
> Sample with kcalloc():
> adb shell stop/ kcalloc /8+256G
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Benchmark Time CPU Iterations TH-PUT TH-PUTCPU
> (ns) (ns) (GB/s) (GB/s)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> BM_sendVec_binder4 39126 18550 38894 3.976282 8.38684
> BM_sendVec_binder8 38924 18542 37786 7.766108 16.3028
> BM_sendVec_binder16 38328 18228 36700 15.32039 32.2141
> BM_sendVec_binder32 38154 18215 38240 32.07213 67.1798
> BM_sendVec_binder64 39093 18809 36142 59.16885 122.977
> BM_sendVec_binder128 40169 19188 36461 116.1843 243.2253
> BM_sendVec_binder256 40695 19559 35951 226.1569 470.5484
> BM_sendVec_binder512 41446 20211 34259 423.2159 867.8743
> BM_sendVec_binder1024 44040 22939 28904 672.0639 1290.278
> BM_sendVec_binder2048 47817 25821 26595 1139.063 2109.393
> BM_sendVec_binder4096 54749 30905 22742 1701.423 3014.115
> BM_sendVec_binder8192 68316 42017 16684 2000.634 3252.858
> BM_sendVec_binder16384 95435 64081 10961 1881.752 2802.469
> BM_sendVec_binder32768 148232 107504 6510 1439.093 1984.295
> BM_sendVec_binder65536 326499 229874 3178 637.8991 906.0329
> NORAML TEST SUM 10355.79 17188.15
> stressapptest eat 2G SUM 10088.39 16625.97
> Sample with kvcalloc():
> adb shell stop/ kvcalloc /8+256G
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Benchmark Time CPU Iterations TH-PUT TH-PUTCPU
> (ns) (ns) (GB/s) (GB/s)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BM_sendVec_binder4 39673 18832 36598 3.689965 7.773577
> BM_sendVec_binder8 39869 18969 37188 7.462038 15.68369
> BM_sendVec_binder16 39774 18896 36627 14.73405 31.01355
> BM_sendVec_binder32 40225 19125 36995 29.43045 61.90013
> BM_sendVec_binder64 40549 19529 35148 55.47544 115.1862
> BM_sendVec_binder128 41580 19892 35384 108.9262 227.6871
> BM_sendVec_binder256 41584 20059 34060 209.6806 434.6857
> BM_sendVec_binder512 42829 20899 32493 388.4381 796.0389
> BM_sendVec_binder1024 45037 23360 29251 665.0759 1282.236
> BM_sendVec_binder2048 47853 25761 27091 1159.433 2153.735
> BM_sendVec_binder4096 55574 31745 22405 1651.328 2890.877
> BM_sendVec_binder8192 70706 43693 16400 1900.105 3074.836
> BM_sendVec_binder16384 96161 64362 10793 1838.921 2747.468
> BM_sendVec_binder32768 147875 107292 6296 1395.147 1922.858
> BM_sendVec_binder65536 330324 232296 3053 605.7126 861.3209
> NORAML TEST SUM 10033.56 16623.35
> stressapptest eat 2G SUM 9958.43 16497.55
> Signed-off-by: Lei Liu <liulei.rjpt@xxxxxxxx>
> ---

This looks great, thanks for the hard work!

Acked-by: Carlos Llamas <cmllamas@xxxxxxxxxx>