Re: [PATCH 09/15] net: hbl_en: add habanalabs Ethernet driver

From: Omer Shpigelman
Date: Thu Jun 20 2024 - 04:37:22 EST

On 6/19/24 18:40, Andrew Lunn wrote:
>>> Does this device require IPv4? What about users and infrastructures that use IPv6 only?
>>> IPv4 is legacy at this point.
>> Gaudi2 supports IPv4 only.
> Really? I guess really old stuff, SLIP from 1988 does not support
> IPv6, but i don't remember seeing anything from this century which
> does not support passing IPv6 frames over a netdev.
> Andrew

We support IPv6 for ETH, not for RDMA. For RDMA, IPv4 is good enough for
our use case so IPv6 was not required. Stephen's comment was about the
code where the CN driver fetches the port IP for configuring it to the
RDMA QPs. It is an RDMA specific path.