Re: [tip: x86/urgent] x86/resctrl: Don't try to free nonexistent RMIDs

From: Dave Martin
Date: Thu Jun 20 2024 - 07:38:26 EST


On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 06:21:24PM +0200, Borislav Petkov wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 05:03:03PM +0100, Dave Martin wrote:
> > It's still a guideline, no? (Though I admit that common sense has to
> > apply and there are quite often good reasons to bust the limit in
> > code.) But commit messages are not code, and don't suffer from
> > creeping indentation that eats up half of each line, so the rationale
> > is not really the same.
> Just do a "git log" on mainline and marvel at all the possible "formatting".
> The ship on being able to read commit messages with formatting that fits what
> you're expecting has long sailed.

Well, not exactly "expecting", but unfamiliar. I've mostly been living
in in arch/arm{,64}/ where it's common to have lines a little shorter.

> > Anyway, I was just mildly surprised, it's not a huge deal.
> Yeah, we don't have a strict rule. And I don't think you can make everyone
> agree and then adhere to some rule for commit messages width. But hey... :-)
> > (Quoted: "Text-based e-mail should not exceed 80 columns per line of
> > text. Consult the documentation of your e-mail client to enable proper
> > line breaks around column 78.". No statement about commit messages,
> > and "should not exceed" is not the same as "should be wrapped to".
> > This document doesn't seem to consider how git formats text derived
> > from emails.)
> See above.
> I'm willing to consider a rule for commit messages if the majority agrees on
> some rule.
> Thx.

I guess my issue is that the "Massage commit message" seems to document
a criticism that the author was careless, didn't follow a rule, or that
the commit message was defective in some way, with the author having no
right of reply (at least, not recorded in the git history).

I may just be being too touchy.

Anyway, thanks for picking up the patch -- I'm not trying to make extra
work for anyone.
