Re: [PATCH v4 16/19] x86/resctrl: Enable ABMC by default on resctrl mount

From: Reinette Chatre
Date: Thu Jun 20 2024 - 18:50:17 EST

Hi Babu,

On 6/20/24 7:46 AM, Moger, Babu wrote:
On 6/13/24 20:50, Reinette Chatre wrote:
On 5/24/24 5:23 AM, Babu Moger wrote:

+        if (resctrl_assign_events(&rdtgroup_default) < 0)
+            rdt_last_cmd_puts("Monitor assignment failed\n");

How will user know that there is a warning? This does not return an error
so nothing will prompt user to check the status file. Perhaps add a comment
in the docs to help users at least know that this exists. Another helpful

Sure. Will add text about this in the documentation.

thing will be to have the counter return "Unassigned" if it has not been
since users familiar with old interface may see "Unavailable" without
knowing that user action is required to get a working event.

Not so sure about interpreting hardware reported error.

I only see "Unavailable" as a hardware error and that is already
supported. "Unassigned" is not a hardware error but instead indicates
to user space that no hardware counter is backing the queried event.
