[PATCH v2 2/3] mm/ksm: don't waste time searching stable tree for fast changing page

From: Chengming Zhou
Date: Fri Jun 21 2024 - 04:06:50 EST

The code flow in cmp_and_merge_page() is suboptimal for handling the
ksm page and non-ksm page at the same time. For example:

- ksm page
1. Mostly just return if this ksm page is not migrated and this rmap_item
has been on the rmap hlist. Or we have to fix this rmap_item mapping.
2. But we absolutely don't need to checksum for this ksm page, since it
can't change.

- non-ksm page
1. First don't need to waste time searching stable tree if fast changing.
2. Should try to merge with zero page before search the stable tree.
3. Then search stable tree to find mergeable ksm page.

This patch optimizes the code flow so the handling differences between
ksm page and non-ksm page become clearer and more efficient too.

Signed-off-by: Chengming Zhou <chengming.zhou@xxxxxxxxx>
mm/ksm.c | 32 +++++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mm/ksm.c b/mm/ksm.c
index 1427abd18627..2cf836fb1367 100644
--- a/mm/ksm.c
+++ b/mm/ksm.c
@@ -2370,6 +2370,23 @@ static void cmp_and_merge_page(struct page *page, struct ksm_rmap_item *rmap_ite
if (!is_page_sharing_candidate(stable_node))
max_page_sharing_bypass = true;
+ } else {
+ remove_rmap_item_from_tree(rmap_item);
+ /*
+ * If the hash value of the page has changed from the last time
+ * we calculated it, this page is changing frequently: therefore we
+ * don't want to insert it in the unstable tree, and we don't want
+ * to waste our time searching for something identical to it there.
+ */
+ checksum = calc_checksum(page);
+ if (rmap_item->oldchecksum != checksum) {
+ rmap_item->oldchecksum = checksum;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!try_to_merge_with_zero_page(rmap_item, page))
+ return;

/* We first start with searching the page inside the stable tree */
@@ -2400,21 +2417,6 @@ static void cmp_and_merge_page(struct page *page, struct ksm_rmap_item *rmap_ite

- /*
- * If the hash value of the page has changed from the last time
- * we calculated it, this page is changing frequently: therefore we
- * don't want to insert it in the unstable tree, and we don't want
- * to waste our time searching for something identical to it there.
- */
- checksum = calc_checksum(page);
- if (rmap_item->oldchecksum != checksum) {
- rmap_item->oldchecksum = checksum;
- return;
- }
- if (!try_to_merge_with_zero_page(rmap_item, page))
- return;
tree_rmap_item =
unstable_tree_search_insert(rmap_item, page, &tree_page);
if (tree_rmap_item) {
