Re: [PATCH v8 3/5] reset: imx8mp-audiomix: Add AudioMix Block Control reset driver

From: Philipp Zabel
Date: Fri Jun 21 2024 - 09:52:09 EST

On Fr, 2024-06-21 at 20:34 +0800, Shengjiu Wang wrote:
> > I wonder why we map at all. If the parent driver already has iomem
> > mapped, can't it just pass that in, like JH7110 does?
> Because this is a simple reset driver, just two reset bits,
> I want to avoid adding a header file for the parent driver and this driver.


> Thanks for reviewing.
> By the way: shall I just send a new version for this patch only next time?

Yes, this is the only remaining patch for me to pick up, no need to
resend the patches that were already applied.
