Re: [PATCH v3 5/6] hwrng: exynos: Add SMC based TRNG operation

From: Sam Protsenko
Date: Fri Jun 21 2024 - 18:56:12 EST

On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 5:11 PM Lukasz Stelmach <l.stelmach@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


> >> This is good, thank you for adding it. It can be even better though, if
> >> you don't skimp on message length (-; I mean, I know what BL is, I can
> >> fingure what LDFW is because you have explained to me and I can see the
> >> source code, but somewone who sees it for the first time will be only
> >> slightly less surprised than with v2 error message only. Come on, you
> >> can make this message twice as long and it will still fit in 80 characters (-;
> >>
> >
> > Guess my OCD got in the way and I just didn't want to break the line
> > :) But yeah, LDFW = Loadable Firmware, and BL = bootloader. There is
> > an "ldfw" partition on eMMC, and I noticed Samsung usually uses LDFW
> > term, so I figured it was not a big deal to throw that abbreviation at
> > the user. But I totally agree on BL part, it might be confusing. I
> > don't have any strong opinion on this one. If you are going to apply
> > v3, can I kindly ask you to change that message the way you want it to
> > be?
> I guess Olivia or Herbert will be applying it. Let me try… How about:
> "Check if your bootloader loads the firmware (SMC) part of the driver."

Much better. Thanks, Lukasz!

> >> Don't change it if v3 is the last. If not, please, make it more verbose.
> >>