Re: [PATCH v3 2/6] phy: exynos5-usbdrd: support isolating HS and SS ports independently

From: William McVicker
Date: Fri Jun 21 2024 - 20:03:08 EST

On 06/17/2024, André Draszik wrote:
> Some versions of this IP have been integrated using separate PMU power
> control registers for the HS and SS parts. One example is the Google
> Tensor gs101 SoC.
> Such SoCs can now set pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy_ss in their
> exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata for the SS phy to the appropriate value.
> The existing 'usbdrdphy' alias can not be used in this case because
> that is meant for determining the correct PMU offset if multiple
> distinct PHYs exist in the system (as opposed to one PHY with multiple
> isolators).
> Signed-off-by: André Draszik <andre.draszik@xxxxxxxxxx>

Tested-by: Will McVicker <willmcvicker@xxxxxxxxxx>

