Re: [PATCH] wifi: brcmfmac: of: Support interrupts-extended

From: Arend Van Spriel
Date: Sat Jun 22 2024 - 09:49:27 EST

On June 22, 2024 3:38:32 PM Arend Van Spriel <arend.vanspriel@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On June 22, 2024 12:56:02 AM Alex Bee <knaerzche@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This "new" version of defining external interrupts is around for a very
long time now and supported and preferred by irq_of_parse_and_map
respectively of_irq_parse_one.

Support it in brcmfmac as well by checking if either "interrupts" or
"interrupts-extended" property exists as indication if irq_of_parse_and_map
should be called.

All very interesting, but why should we add code for something that is not
specified in the bindings documentation?

NAK (for now). Feel free to update the bindings document.

So looked up the interrupts-extended definition:

The "interrupts-extended" property is a special form; useful when a node needs
to reference multiple interrupt parents or a different interrupt parent than
the inherited one. Each entry in this property contains both the parent phandle
and the interrupt specifier.

Given that brcmfmac device will only have one interrupt item defined there is no need to use it. If someone can give a good argument to support it please chime in.


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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature