Re: [PATCH] Fix initializing a static union variable

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Sun Jun 23 2024 - 13:06:21 EST

On Sun, 23 Jun 2024 at 12:51, Linus Torvalds
<torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I *hope* this is some unreleased clang version that has this bug.
> Because at least the clang version I have access to (clang 17.0.6)
> does not seem to exhibit this issue.

Hmm. Strange. godbolt says that it happens with clang 17.0.1 (and
earlier) with a plain -O2.

It just doesn't happen for me. Either this got fixed already and my
17.0.6 has the fix, or there's some subtle flag that my test-case uses
(some config file - I just use "-O2" for local testing like the
godbolt page did).

But clearly godbolt does think this happens with released clang versions too.
