[PATCH 01/14] staging: rtl8723bs: Remove unused structs starting with profile_info
From: Philipp Hortmann
Date: Sun Jun 23 2024 - 13:57:12 EST
Remove unused structs.
Signed-off-by: Philipp Hortmann <philipp.g.hortmann@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/include/rtw_mlme.h | 133 -------------------
1 file changed, 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/include/rtw_mlme.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/include/rtw_mlme.h
index fc0b43d38d9a..7ce8eaf4ec80 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/include/rtw_mlme.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/include/rtw_mlme.h
@@ -141,139 +141,6 @@ struct rt_link_detect_t {
u32 LowPowerTransitionCount;
-struct profile_info {
- u8 ssidlen;
- u8 ssid[WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN];
- u8 peermac[ETH_ALEN];
-struct tx_invite_req_info {
- u8 token;
- u8 benable;
- u8 go_ssid[WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN];
- u8 ssidlen;
- u8 go_bssid[ETH_ALEN];
- u8 peer_macaddr[ETH_ALEN];
- u8 operating_ch; /* This information will be set by using the p2p_set op_ch =x */
- u8 peer_ch; /* The listen channel for peer P2P device */
-struct tx_invite_resp_info {
- u8 token; /* Used to record the dialog token of p2p invitation request frame. */
-struct tx_provdisc_req_info {
- u16 wps_config_method_request; /* Used when sending the provisioning request frame */
- u16 peer_channel_num[2]; /* The channel number which the receiver stands. */
- struct ndis_802_11_ssid ssid;
- u8 peerDevAddr[ETH_ALEN]; /* Peer device address */
- u8 peerIFAddr[ETH_ALEN]; /* Peer interface address */
- u8 benable; /* This provision discovery request frame is trigger to send or not */
-struct rx_provdisc_req_info { /* When peer device issue prov_disc_req first, we should store the following information */
- u8 peerDevAddr[ETH_ALEN]; /* Peer device address */
- u8 strconfig_method_desc_of_prov_disc_req[4]; /* description for the config method located in the provisioning discovery request frame. */
- /* The UI must know this information to know which config method the remote p2p device is requiring. */
-struct tx_nego_req_info {
- u16 peer_channel_num[2]; /* The channel number which the receiver stands. */
- u8 peerDevAddr[ETH_ALEN]; /* Peer device address */
- u8 benable; /* This negotiation request frame is trigger to send or not */
-struct group_id_info {
- u8 go_device_addr[ETH_ALEN]; /* The GO's device address of this P2P group */
- u8 ssid[WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN]; /* The SSID of this P2P group */
-struct scan_limit_info {
- u8 scan_op_ch_only; /* When this flag is set, the driver should just scan the operation channel */
- u8 operation_ch[2]; /* Store the operation channel of invitation request frame */
-struct wifidirect_info {
- struct adapter *padapter;
- struct timer_list find_phase_timer;
- struct timer_list restore_p2p_state_timer;
- /* Used to do the scanning. After confirming the peer is availalble, the driver transmits the P2P frame to peer. */
- struct timer_list pre_tx_scan_timer;
- struct timer_list reset_ch_sitesurvey;
- struct timer_list reset_ch_sitesurvey2; /* Just for resetting the scan limit function by using p2p nego */
- struct tx_provdisc_req_info tx_prov_disc_info;
- struct rx_provdisc_req_info rx_prov_disc_info;
- struct tx_invite_req_info invitereq_info;
- struct profile_info profileinfo[P2P_MAX_PERSISTENT_GROUP_NUM]; /* Store the profile information of persistent group */
- struct tx_invite_resp_info inviteresp_info;
- struct tx_nego_req_info nego_req_info;
- struct group_id_info groupid_info; /* Store the group id information when doing the group negotiation handshake. */
- struct scan_limit_info rx_invitereq_info; /* Used for get the limit scan channel from the Invitation procedure */
- struct scan_limit_info p2p_info; /* Used for get the limit scan channel from the P2P negotiation handshake */
- enum p2p_role role;
- enum p2p_state pre_p2p_state;
- enum p2p_state p2p_state;
- u8 device_addr[ETH_ALEN]; /* The device address should be the mac address of this device. */
- u8 interface_addr[ETH_ALEN];
- u8 social_chan[4];
- u8 listen_channel;
- u8 operating_channel;
- u8 listen_dwell; /* This value should be between 1 and 3 */
- u8 support_rate[8];
- u8 p2p_wildcard_ssid[P2P_WILDCARD_SSID_LEN];
- u8 intent; /* should only include the intent value. */
- u8 p2p_peer_interface_addr[ETH_ALEN];
- u8 p2p_peer_device_addr[ETH_ALEN];
- u8 peer_intent; /* Included the intent value and tie breaker value. */
- u8 device_name[WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN]; /* Device name for displaying on searching device screen */
- u8 device_name_len;
- u8 profileindex; /* Used to point to the index of profileinfo array */
- u8 peer_operating_ch;
- u8 find_phase_state_exchange_cnt;
- u16 device_password_id_for_nego; /* The device password ID for group negotiation */
- u8 negotiation_dialog_token;
- u8 nego_ssid[WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN]; /* SSID information for group negotiation */
- u8 nego_ssidlen;
- u8 p2p_group_ssid[WLAN_SSID_MAXLEN];
- u8 p2p_group_ssid_len;
- u8 persistent_supported; /* Flag to know the persistent function should be supported or not. */
- /* In the Sigma test, the Sigma will provide this enable from the sta_set_p2p CAPI. */
- /* 0: disable */
- /* 1: enable */
- u8 session_available; /* Flag to set the WFD session available to enable or disable "by Sigma" */
- /* In the Sigma test, the Sigma will disable the session available by using the sta_preset CAPI. */
- /* 0: disable */
- /* 1: enable */
- u8 wfd_tdls_enable; /* Flag to enable or disable the TDLS by WFD Sigma */
- /* 0: disable */
- /* 1: enable */
- u8 wfd_tdls_weaksec; /* Flag to enable or disable the weak security function for TDLS by WFD Sigma */
- /* 0: disable */
- /* In this case, the driver can't issue the tdsl setup request frame. */
- /* 1: enable */
- /* In this case, the driver can issue the tdls setup request frame */
- /* even the current security is weak security. */
- enum p2p_wpsinfo ui_got_wps_info; /* This field will store the WPS value (PIN value or PBC) that UI had got from the user. */
- u16 supported_wps_cm; /* This field describes the WPS config method which this driver supported. */
- /* The value should be the combination of config method defined in page104 of WPS v2.0 spec. */
- u8 external_uuid; /* UUID flag */
- u8 uuid[16]; /* UUID */
- uint channel_list_attr_len; /* This field will contain the length of body of P2P Channel List attribute of group negotitation response frame. */
- u8 channel_list_attr[100]; /* This field will contain the body of P2P Channel List attribute of group negotitation response frame. */
- /* We will use the channel_cnt and channel_list fields when constructing the group negotitation confirm frame. */
- u8 driver_interface; /* Indicate DRIVER_WEXT or DRIVER_CFG80211 */
-struct tdls_ss_record { /* signal strength record */
- u8 macaddr[ETH_ALEN];
- u8 rx_pwd_ba11;
- u8 is_tdls_sta; /* true: direct link sta, false: else */
/* used for mlme_priv.roam_flags */
enum {