[PATCH 2/4] rust: Enable test for macros::module
From: Ethan D. Twardy
Date: Sun Jun 23 2024 - 23:04:49 EST
Previously, this test was ignored due to a missing necessary dependency
on the `kernel` crate.
Signed-off-by: Ethan D. Twardy <ethan.twardy@xxxxxxxxx>
diff --git a/rust/Makefile b/rust/Makefile
index de58f0cae23b..16abb8175494 100644
--- a/rust/Makefile
+++ b/rust/Makefile
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ rusttest-prepare: FORCE
quiet_cmd_rustdoc_test_macros = RUSTDOC T $<
cmd_rustdoc_test_macros = \
+ export RUST_MODFILE=test.rs; \
OBJTREE=$(abspath $(objtree)) \
$(RUSTDOC) --test $(rust_common_flags) \
@$(objtree)/include/generated/rustc_cfg \
diff --git a/rust/macros/lib.rs b/rust/macros/lib.rs
index 520eae5fd792..d8bd34c0ba89 100644
--- a/rust/macros/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/macros/lib.rs
@@ -26,9 +26,13 @@
/// # Examples
-/// ```ignore
+/// ```rust
+/// #[macro_use] extern crate macros;
+/// #[macro_use] extern crate kernel;
/// use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// struct MyModule(i32);
/// module!{
/// type: MyModule,
/// name: "my_kernel_module",
@@ -37,22 +41,15 @@
/// license: "GPL",
/// }
-/// struct MyModule;
/// impl kernel::Module for MyModule {
-/// fn init() -> Result<Self> {
-/// // If the parameter is writeable, then the kparam lock must be
-/// // taken to read the parameter:
-/// {
-/// let lock = THIS_MODULE.kernel_param_lock();
-/// pr_info!("i32 param is: {}\n", writeable_i32.read(&lock));
-/// }
-/// // If the parameter is read only, it can be read without locking
-/// // the kernel parameters:
-/// pr_info!("i32 param is: {}\n", my_i32.read());
-/// Ok(Self)
+/// fn init(module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
+/// let foo: i32 = 42;
+/// pr_info!("I contain: {}\n", foo);
+/// Ok(Self(foo))
/// }
/// }
+/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
/// # Supported argument types