Re: [PATCH v9 03/24] virt: sev-guest: Make payload a variable length array

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Mon Jun 24 2024 - 02:11:52 EST

On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 09:46:09PM +0530, Nikunj A. Dadhania wrote:
> Yes, payload was earlier fixed at 4000 bytes, without considering the size
> of snp_guest_msg.

Sorry, you'd need to try explaining this again. Who wasn't considering the
size of snp_guest_msg?

AFAICT, the code currently does sizeof(struct snp_guest_msg) which contains
both the header *and* the payload.

What could help is if you structure your commit message this way:

1. Prepare the context for the explanation briefly.

2. Explain the problem at hand.

3. "It happens because of <...>"

4. "Fix it by doing X"

5. "(Potentially do Y)."

And some of those above are optional depending on the issue being

