[PATCH 0/7] minor document fixups
From: SeongJae Park
Date: Mon Jun 24 2024 - 14:53:28 EST
This patch series is for minor document fixups. First five patches
clean up and remove 'Other material' section of process/index in favor
of 'staging/' and better place for docs on the section. A patch for
adding DAMON maintainer-profile reference on maintainers' handbook
follows. And then the last patch adds 'hkml' as one of available email
tools on email-clients document.
SeongJae Park (7):
Docs/process/index: Remove unaligned-memory-access from 'Other
Docs/process/index: Remove riscv/patch-acceptance from 'Other
material' section
Docs: Move magic-number from process to staging
Docs: Move clang-format from process/ to dev-tools/
Docs/process/index: Remove unsorted docs section
Docs/maintainer/maintainer-entry-profile: add DAMON maintainer profile
Docs/process/email-clients: Document HacKerMaiL
.clang-format | 2 +-
Documentation/{process => dev-tools}/clang-format.rst | 0
Documentation/dev-tools/index.rst | 1 +
Documentation/maintainer/maintainer-entry-profile.rst | 1 +
Documentation/process/4.Coding.rst | 2 +-
Documentation/process/coding-style.rst | 2 +-
Documentation/process/email-clients.rst | 9 +++++++++
Documentation/process/index.rst | 11 -----------
Documentation/staging/index.rst | 1 +
Documentation/{process => staging}/magic-number.rst | 0
.../translations/it_IT/process/clang-format.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/it_IT/process/magic-number.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/sp_SP/process/coding-style.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/sp_SP/process/magic-number.rst | 2 +-
Documentation/translations/zh_CN/process/4.Coding.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/zh_CN/process/coding-style.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/zh_CN/process/magic-number.rst | 2 +-
Documentation/translations/zh_TW/process/4.Coding.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/zh_TW/process/coding-style.rst | 2 +-
.../translations/zh_TW/process/magic-number.rst | 2 +-
20 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
rename Documentation/{process => dev-tools}/clang-format.rst (100%)
rename Documentation/{process => staging}/magic-number.rst (100%)
base-commit: 88407e61007a3d3ebb62fc65479cc58d891ef74e