Re: [PATCH] drv/usb: Fix the issue with Realtek USB wireless adapter AC650

From: Lars Melin
Date: Tue Jun 25 2024 - 10:22:36 EST

On 2024-06-25 14:07, tuhaowen wrote:
Due to the dual-mode functionality of the Realtek USB wireless
adapter AC650, it initially presents itself as a flash drive
before the driver is installed.

In Linux, multi-state devices are recognized as storage devices
on startup because the driver has not yet been loaded.

As a result, the AC650 is identified as a DISK device at boot,
preventing the use of its WLAN mode. The issue can only be
resolved by unplugging and replugging the adapter.

It can be resolved by manually ejecting the created cdrom drive or by using usb_modeswitch which will eject the drive as soon as it is detected. No need for unplugging/replugging.
