Re: [PATCH v4] usb: gadget: aspeed_udc: validate endpoint index for ast udc

From: Markus Elfring
Date: Tue Jun 25 2024 - 11:25:48 EST

>>>>> We should verify the bound of the array to assure that host
>>>>> may not manipulate the index to point past endpoint array.
>>>> Why did you not choose an imperative wording for your change description?
>>> Markus, please stop reviewing USB patches. This is not helpful at all,
>>> and causes new developers extra work for no reason at all.
>> How does this feedback fit to the linked information source?
> That is not what I wrote.

You indicated concerns according to patch review processes,
didn't you?

See also:
* Patch submission notes

* Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

> I wrote, "Please stop reviewing USB patches."
> Please stop now.

I might be going to influence evolution of this software area in other ways
under other circumstances.
