Re: [net PATCH v2 0/7] octeontx2-af: Fix klockwork issues in AF driver

From: Markus Elfring
Date: Tue Jun 25 2024 - 15:51:11 EST

> > * Why did you not directly respond to the recurring patch review concern
> >   about better summary phrases (or message subjects)?

> [Suman] I thought the “summery phrase” is per patch.

Summaries are obviously important parts for patch subjects.

> The cover letter is mentioning the reason for the change

I would like to read an improved overview for your change approach.

> and each patch set is adding the summery for the change.

I have got understanding difficulties for such information somehow.

> Since it is not some actual ‘fix’ I am not sure what more to add other

It seems that there is a temporary conflict according to expected explanation quality.

> than mentioning klockwork fixes.

Source code analysis tools can provide more helpful information.
Do I need to remind you for the published software documentation
around “C checkers”?

> I am not sure what more can be added for a variable initialization to zero
> or adding a NULL check.

* Common vulnerability enumeration?

* CERT reference?

> Can you suggest some?

* Please take another look at linked information sources.

* Can you get sufficient inspirations from published patches?

> > * Would you like to explain any more here which development concern categories
> >   were picked up from the mentioned source code analysis tool?
> [Suman]  Development concerns are mentioned in individual patch sets.

* Grouping?

* Outlines?

* Taxonomy?

> > * How much do you care for the grouping of logical changes into
> >   consistent patch series?
> [Suman] I thought about it but then I was not sure
> how to add fix tags for a unified patch set.

Why did you not ask before sending another questionable patch series?

> Hence went with per file approach.

It can occasionally be helpful for change preparations.

> Do you see any problem with the approach?

Obviously, yes.

I hope that you can take several patch review issues better into account finally.
