Re: [PATCH v3 1/1] pps: clients: gpio: Bypass edge's direction check when not needed

From: Rodolfo Giometti
Date: Wed Jun 26 2024 - 10:19:49 EST

On 26/06/24 14:55, Bastien Curutchet wrote:
Hi Rodolfo

On 4/25/24 14:42, Rodolfo Giometti wrote:
On 25/04/24 14:28, Bastien Curutchet wrote:
In the IRQ handler, the GPIO's state is read to verify the direction of
the edge that triggered the interruption before generating the PPS event.
If a pulse is too short, the GPIO line can reach back its original state
before this verification and the PPS event is lost.

This check is needed when info->capture_clear is set because it needs
interruptions on both rising and falling edges. When info->capture_clear
is not set, interruption is triggered by one edge only so this check can
be omitted.

Add a warning if irq_handler is left without triggering any PPS event.
Bypass the edge's direction verification when info->capture_clear is not

Signed-off-by: Bastien Curutchet <bastien.curutchet@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Acked-by: Rodolfo Giometti <giometti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I don't think I've received any updates since you acked this. Is there something missing before the patch can be applied?

No updates. It can be applied.



GNU/Linux Solutions e-mail: giometti@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux Device Driver giometti@xxxxxxxx
Embedded Systems phone: +39 349 2432127
UNIX programming