Re: [PATCH net-next v3 6/7] selftests: net: Use the provided dpctl rather than the vswitchd for tests.
From: Aaron Conole
Date: Thu Jun 27 2024 - 09:46:40 EST
Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 01:22:44PM -0400, Aaron Conole wrote:
>> The current pmtu test infrastucture requires an installed copy of the
>> ovs-vswitchd userspace. This means that any automated or constrained
>> environments may not have the requisite tools to run the tests. However,
>> the pmtu tests don't require any special classifier processing. Indeed
>> they are only using the vswitchd in the most basic mode - as a NORMAL
>> switch.
>> However, the ovs-dpctl kernel utility can now program all the needed basic
>> flows to allow traffic to traverse the tunnels and provide support for at
>> least testing some basic pmtu scenarios. More complicated flow pipelines
>> can be added to the internal ovs test infrastructure, but that is work for
>> the future. For now, enable the most common cases - wide mega flows with
>> no other prerequisites.
>> Enhance the pmtu testing to try testing using the internal utility, first.
>> As a fallback, if the internal utility isn't running, then try with the
>> ovs-vswitchd userspace tools.
>> Additionally, make sure that when the pyroute2 package is not available
>> the ovs-dpctl utility will error out to properly signal an error has
>> occurred and skip using the internal utility.
> Hi Aaron,
> I don't feel strongly about this, but it does feel like the
> change to could live in a separate patch.
I can do it if others feel like it should be a separate change. I
debated it as a separate patch, but I felt that it wasn't really a bug
fix, more like a behavior change that would be associated with this pmtu
script. I didn't (at the time, and still don't) see a reason to
separately backport them, but it could also be considered as a separate
orthogonal change, and I'm okay with it being a different patch. Like
you, I don't feel strongly either way.
If I do separate it, I will also add your Reviewed and Tested tags to
that patch.
>> Reviewed-by: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@xxxxxxxxxx>
> The above not withstanding,
> Reviewed-by: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxx>
> I have tested with this change on Fedora 40 both
> with python3-pyroute2 installed, which uses ovs-dpctl,
> and without, which uses ovs-vswitchd userspace tools.
> Tested-by: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ...